Jughead Jones x Reader

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Being the new kid was never easy. Being the shy new kid was never easy. You were the perfect target for bullying from people like Reggie and Chuck who always catcalled you in the hallways and knocked your binders out of your arms. But you never said a word. You didn't want to cause any trouble.
A few people noticed you. The "Sad Breakfast Club" saw you in the hallways. Sitting alone at lunch. Reading alone. Keeping to yourself. Day after day, almost every member of the group (with the exception being Jughead) attempted to talk to you. They tried to coerce you into at least sitting with them at lunchtime. Each time you quickly shook your head, eyes returning to your book.
Weeks passed and the group was still no closer to getting you to even speak a word.

"I just don't understand!" Veronica exclaimed as she slammed her lunch tray down on the table. "We've tried everything. Does she just not like us?"
Betty shook her head.
"I don't think that's what it is, V," the blonde said. "She's just really shy. Sometimes you can try everything only to have nothing work."
Veronica groaned.
"She has a point," Archie said as he took a bite of his apple. "Maybe we should just stop."
As the group talked amongst themselves, Jughead watched you from a distance. Unlike the others, he had taken a personal interest in you. The raven-haired teen loved mysteries and you were one he wanted to crack.
Why did you move here? Why did you move here so late in the school year? Why were you so shy?

"I can try," Jughead interrupted, silencing the entire group. "To talk to her, I mean."
Archie sighed.
"Jug, I don't know..." he began. "You tend to be... really upfront. What if you scare her away?"
Jughead snorted.
"Wow, thanks, Arch," he remarked sarcastically. "Like you guys haven't terrified her enough."
With that, he was off and making his way over to your table.
"This isn't going to end well." Betty said.
Veronica sighed as she opened her bag of chips.
"Guess we'll find out."

You heard someone making their way over to you before you saw them. You gripped your book tighter, forcing your eyesight to stay on the small words. You wondered who it would be this time. Would it be the jock or one of the two cheerleaders? It wasn't that you didn't like them either, it was just that you were literally terrified to talk to them. They seemed so cool and you didn't understand why they wanted to talk to someone like you.
"Hey," an unfamiliar voice said, breaking you out of your thoughts.

You looked up from your book, your eyes meeting blue-green ones. Your heart skipped a beat once you saw who it was. Jughead Jones. The boy in your English class who you had a massive crush on. But of course, you could never find the courage to talk to him. If you couldn't even talk to Veronica Lodge or Betty Cooper, arguably the nicest girls in the school, how were you supposed to talk to the boy you liked?
"Can I sit here?" Jughead asked.
You returned your gaze to your book, not answering. Jughead took a seat anyway.
"What's your name?" the beanie-clad teen pressed.
Again, you didn't answer.
"Well," he sighed. "My name's Jughead. I'm in your—"

"English class," you said softly before you froze.
Jughead seemed equally surprised that you spoke.
"Yeah, I, um," you began again, clearing your throat. "I know who you are."
"Is she... talking to him?" Veronica asked incredulously.
Archie nodded.
"Looks like she is. Who would've guessed?" the ginger asked.
"But why?" Betty asked.
Archie frowned at her question.
"Why is she talking to Jughead?" he tried to clarify.

Betty shook her head.
"No, why is Jughead talking to her? When has he ever showed an interest in the new kids? He never showed an interest in Veronica."

Veronica rolled her eyes.
"Thanks, Betty." she joked.
"You know what I mean." the Cooper girl said.
The three students returned their gazes to you and Jughead who were now talking and smiling amongst each other. At the moment, the bell rang signaling the end of the period. The gang saw you pack your stuff up as you and Jughead said your goodbyes. Jughead walked back over to the group with a smug smile on his face as you walked into the school.
"How?" Veronica asked once Jughead was close enough to hear her.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" he asked as he picked up his book bag, swinging the strap over his shoulder.
Veronica smirked.
"I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the fact you have a crush on her? And, oh, I don't know, maybe she likes you too and you guys are going out to Pop's after school to get a milkshake together?" she joked, improvising everything as she went along.
Betty and Archie laughed but Veronica didn't miss the way she saw Jughead tense up for a fraction of a second.
"Very funny, Veronica." he deadpanned.
Veronica's eyes widened.
"Oh my God," she murmured. "You like her!"
Jughead turned beet-red as Betty and Archie turned to stare at him with wide eyes.

"And she likes you! And you asked her out!" Veronica continued.
"God, Veronica, scream it to the world, would you?!" Jughead hissed as the four of them walked into the school.
Veronica went silent but couldn't stop her beaming smile or the way she was practically vibrating with excitement.
"Aw, Juggie, this is so cute!" Betty squealed.
"Not bad, Jug." Archie said as he clapped the writer on the back.

Jughead's red face didn't go away.
"Yeah, okay, whatever," he mumbled. "I'll see you guys later."
With that he was gone, escaping to his next class.
"Our Juggie's growing up." Veronica said, wiping a fake tear from her eye.
"You're so lucky he wasn't around to hear that."

Credit: mrs-jughead-jones.tumblr.com

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