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Weeks passed rapidly while Tian Yi and Feixiang planned their wedding and coming out ceremony. They had come out to the Emperor the week prior and it could only be described as a colorful event. The Emperor fluctuated between rage and joy, and his face changed colors from purple to green and a pasty yellow-white. The Emperor tried to convince them to break-up but his face was remorseful and ashamed as the words came out of his mouth. However before Feixiang could retort with anger and reproach another voice reverberated through the house.

The Empress gracefully walked towards the throne however her face carried none of her usual magnanimous grace. Her expression was thunderous and murderous. The servants tried to reduce their existence and disappear as they heard the Empress yell at the Emperor. They thought to themselves that the Empress was really seeking death but Feixiang and Tian Yi knew that the Emperor was the ultimate wife-slave. If she said black was white or east was west he would never go against her words.

The Empress told him off for not supporting the difficult path that their son had chosen for himself. She knew that he would suffer great backlash from the courtiers, officials and the people. Who knew if his rule would even be accepted, but how could they as parents turn their backs on him at this trying moment? With every word the Emperor's head hung lower and lower like a scolded puppy. With many ups and downs the meeting reached the happy ending that Feixiang and Tian Yi were hoping for. They had decided to announce their relationship at the next grand event where the Emperor would name Feixiang as the heir to the throne. Feixiang and Tian Yi barely had time to even see each other as the whirlwind preparations kept them busy. However they did meet each other when Tian Wu came with the news that Song Huang and Tian Mei were planning to possibly reveal their relationship at the coronation announcement. While the couple were grateful for his warning they didn't really take it to heart and dismissed it as unimportant.

So with all this fanfare the ceremony finally arrived. Feixiang was decked out in his best regal outfit and stood on the terrace between his father and mother. Just a step behind him stood Tian Yi. This time he had discarded his female clothing for the male clothing that he hadn't worn for so long. They were protected by secret guards who hid themselves all around the venue. Below the terrace and for miles in front of the palace stood the common people. They were chattering excitedly about the coronation ceremony. They already knew that the Feixiang would be coronated, after all he had made such illustrious contributions to the nation, and he was beloved by the common people. However there have sometimes been surprising revelations at such events and they were looking forward to any kind of drama.

Hidden within the crowd were Tian Mei and Tian Wu. Naturally with Song Huang being a part of the royal family he would stand with them. He was inwardly looking forward to the chaos that would ensue after the revelation of his brother's inharmonious relationship.

The Royal family waved and greeted the people from above before descending to be at the same level as the common public. It was their way of showing that they to understood the concerns of the people and would share the joys and burdens of the country. Of course they didn't worry about safety because of the hidden guards.

The Emperor used a technique that amplified his voice and began the ceremony. "We are pleased to host this ceremony but we are meeting under very different circumstances. We have ruled this country for many years and hopefully We have created a peaceful era." The Emperor paused as the venue broke out in loud cheers and applause. Once the ruckus died down he continued. "While We have done Our part it is the rules of the heavens that no man may live forever. We are no exception to that heavenly law. While We may have some more years left in Us, we believe it is time for a new successor to bring the nation to new heights. We are proud of the ability and natural leadership our successor has shown. There is none more qualified to rule the four seas and unite all the lands under the heavens. The Emperor who shall succeed me is the Crown Prince Song Feixiang."

Just as the last word rang out, they heard a shout from the crowd disrupting the moment. "NO! THERE IS SOMETHING EVERYONE NEEDS TO FIRST HEAR ABOUT THE PRINCE!" When everyone turned to look at the source of the voice it was an ordinary maidservant. Song Huang and Tian Mei smirked as they felt their plans were working out perfectly. However before they could rejoice for too long they heard the smooth voice of the Crown Prince cut in.

"I believe I know exactly what you are about to say young miss, and it is exactly what I want to announce so I shall be taking this moment from you." Feixiang projected his voice louder and turned to the people. "I want to take this moment to announce that I have selected my bride who will be your Empress." Feixiang grabbed Tian Yi's hand and pulled him to the forefront and stood proudly before them all. "My beloved is a man and he shall rule with me or we shall not rule at all!" The Emperor and Empress stood behind the couple expressing their full support. However Song Huang and Tian Mei looked towards the couple with disbelief. They never would have thought in a million years that Song Feixiang would announce that he was gay himself.

Once Song Huang heard his words about not ruling at all his heart filled with confidence and he turned to look at the public waiting for their jeers of disapproval. But once again he was doomed to be disappointed, the crowd first fell into silence and then erupted into discussion. There were many who yelled in anger and disgust but there were even more supporting voices. Many felt that it didn't matter whom he married as long as he ruled well and preserved the peace of the country. Therefore the overwhelming tide of opinions ranged from indifference to joy with only a portion of hatred.

As such the successor was decided, but Song Huang just stood frozen in shock. All of a sudden before the ceremony could move ahead they heard a scream cut through the crowd. Tian Mei stood at the forefront of the crown yelling obscenities. "That's disgusting, you can't do this. You'll go to hell! Marriage should never be between two men! Crown Prince you have been bewitched by that demonic whore! Once he's gone you'll come back to your senses!"

As she screamed the people surrounding her took a step back to keep away from her brand of crazy. Who knew if it was contagious. From who knows where Tian Mei pulled out a blow dart and shot a metal, poisoned needle towards Tian Yi.

Ni Ni shook her head watching the scene. God, the plot armor is so strong. There are so many hidden guards but somehow she can get it through? What kind of fucked up cheat is that?

The needled hurtled towards Tian Yi but he wasn't concerned, with his level of martial arts he could easily dodge that needle. However he forgot that he was surrounded by people who were overly concerned about him. Feixiang threw himself in front of him and Tian Yi just shook his head. Even after going to war together he still saw him him as a flower to be protected. But what was more surprising was that Tian Wu appeared out of nowhere and flew into the needle's pathway. He felt the needle pierce his abdomen as he crashed onto the floor.

The second Tian Mei brandished her weapon the crowd descended into chaos. The guards did their best to shield the Royal family and keep the public at bay. Soldiers waded into the crowd to bring them back to order.

Tian Mei was immediately arrested and taken away. Within a few minutes the scene was cleared and only the Royal family and Tian Wu were left on scene. Tian Yi took a moment to appreciate the efficiency of the guards. Tian Yi turned his attention to Tian Wu and to his surprise there was already someone at his side.

Ni Ni was dumbfounded at the scene. Is this what it takes to knock some sense into him? That's so wrong.    

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