watching the water

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You know how when something scary or unexpected happens to you and it feels like it was all in slow motion?

Blake's first thought as the two of them fell was, well, nothing really.
She had always thought like most of us do that she'd know what she'd do in this situation.
Like, say for example: scream for help, make sure that you're going to hit the water in the safest position possible, or whatever you believe you may think in that terrifying moment.
All she could think was,
"just do something, you have to do something. JUST DO IT"
But she couldn't think, not even for a second.
She was just in shock.

Then she saw Chace.
The shock and absolute fear of falling had caused him to fall unconscious.
And for someone currently falling off a cruise ship, you could say it was probably not the best time for that to happen.
He was certainly not in any position to hit the water, let alone safely.

That is when her instincts kicked in.
She thought it could maybe be maternal but no, he was way too near in age to her for that to be the reason.
Either way, she felt some feeling of protection and responsibility over him.
So Blake realised.
This was no longer about her.
She had someone to save.

In that moment, Blake's mind was as clear as the sky (on a nice, non-cloudy, kinda sunny day though), not tonight.
As she shot down through the wind, she straightened up her body; pointed her feet to the ground, as she prepared to hit.
Due to her being slightly heavier than the boy, she knew that she would hit first.
And this would give her time.
She could get herself in a stable position in the water, able to aid him with whatever help she could provide.

Blake looked over at Chace.
His body floppily flailed about lifelessly as he fell.
He had no control over himself, let alone his fall.
As her chest tightened with worry and a lone tear slid down her cold cheek, she looked up in desperation at the dark night sky, and prayed.
Though she was not religious, Blake had learnt that in times of grief and crisis that was all she could manage to do.
It was hope.

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