Make up and make out

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It was the next day and Richie wanted to clear this all up. He got in his car and drove to bills. Once he got there he knocked on the door and stood there for a minute. As bill opened the door Richie walked in and said "where's Eddie!?" Bill replied with, "he's in his room, he hasn't left it since what happened last night.". "Listen you gotta believe me, Eddie is my only one, he's my one love and I'd do anything to keep it that way. I'd do anything to have him. I didn't d-do anything with anyone else" Richie said on the verge of tears. "N-n-no I b-b-believe you it's o-Okay" bill said while giving Richie a hug. "I'm going to talk to Eddie" Richie says as he ran up the stairs to eddies room. KNOCK* KNOCK* KNOCK*
Eddie opened the door, he looked horrible. He had huge dark circles under his eyes, he had swollen cheeks from crying but all Richie could see was his beauty. "What do you want" Eddie says while walking into his room,making room for Richie to come in. "Ed's, listen I didn't do anything with that girl I promise!" "If you wanna know what actually happened I'll tell you. But I've said this at least 2 times. Once to bill and once to mike and the others. You're the only one I want now and forever, when you opened that door normally people would think, wow he looks tired and sick, but I passed all that a thought wow, you're so utterly beautiful and to think that mikes poor words could have ended this forever. But I love you more than anything and I'd choose you over legitimately anything in this world, it would actually kill me if anything happened to you." "I-uh-uhm." Eddie says "listen you can hate me all you want but that's impossible for me" "no no I could never hate you. I love you. I love you so much. I just, you sounded really cheesy when you said all that" Eddie says while laughing and sniffing a little. Richie leaned down and gave Eddie a hug and looked into his eyes and said, "I love you more than I love myself" and gave Eddie a tight squeeze. Once they finished talking they both went to the bathroom so Richie could help Eddie not look as sick and tired as he did. Once he got dressed into new clean clothes he wrapped his arms around richies waist and reached his face up to give Richie a kiss. They walked down the stairs and were holding hands and bill goes "AWHH y-you guys m-made up" "Yea and we made out" Richie said with a grin. "Shut up Richie" Eddie said with his grin going bigger

Heyy I'm bored

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