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EunMin turns on her heels and glares at the guard through the small glass window as he harshly shoves her into a dark room, the four concrete walls only illuminated by the light from the small window

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EunMin turns on her heels and glares at the guard through the small glass window as he harshly shoves her into a dark room, the four concrete walls only illuminated by the light from the small window.

As she turns around, the slight rattling sound of metal against the floor makes her stop in her tracks, her eyes darting towards the sound. Very carefully she starts taking slow steps in that direction, letting out a small gasp as her eyes land on a familiar figure, her heart breaking when she sees him.

"Namjoon!" She says rushing to him, the boys head snapping up in surprise at the sound of her voice.

Am I hearing things?

He wonders, but when she drops on her knees right in front of him, he relaxes his tense muscles. Namjoon desperately tries to call out her name, wincing when he feels the muzzle dig deeper into his skin making him whimper.

"What did they do to you?" EunMin whispers moving closer to him, her hands making their way to the back of his head so that she can unclip the muzzle, immediately earning a relieved sigh from him.

Namjoon tries his best to look at her but her imagine keeps moving around, coming into focus and becoming a blur, but he doesn't need to say anything because EunMin immediately notices his unfocused eyes, so she cups his face in her hands and carefully pulls him into a hug. "I'm right here." She whispers consolingly.

If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up.

Namjoon thinks to himself dropping his head on her shoulder, inhaling her scent before everything becomes a blur of darkness.


The next time Namjoon opens his eyes, he is no longer in the dark room he'd been for... however long, since he'd lost track, and was now back in the room he was in when they first brought him to the facility.

EunMin soon joining him as they shove her into a room where Namjoon is tied up to a chair, his head hanging low, but when he hears her grunt, his head snaps up.

They push her down onto her knees, and Namjoon notices the blood trickling down her forehead, a low growl making its way to his throat.

"Now, now detective. Let's try this again shall we?" The boss says.

"Is the muzzle necessary?" EunMin asks glaring at the guy.

"He tried biting one of my men's arms off, so yes." The man says and Namjoon lowers his gaze to the ground.

It was not something he was proud of, but the guy deserved it.

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