Chapter 36

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The phone rings and I jerk up, startled by the sound, blinking my eyes tiredly as I reach for the desk phone. Oh boy. Another fun conversation that makes me sick. "Hello?" I ask softly, my voice weighed down by the options I've been given. I feel like a broken record that's been backed into a corner. Every time I try to bring it to them to talk to Axel, I get poked and prodded back into a mindless fool. This sucks. Agent Thompson and Agent Ross have been the worst perpetrators of the mess.

"Miss Smith, it's good to talk to you, have you had any issues with the RFID?" I shrug and glance at the fading bruise on my arm. Thankfully, Axel didn't ask questions about that. I'm sure he just assumed that because of our kindling flame, he figured I was just being cautious. I am just not about that.

"No, everything's fine." I'm not sure what's worse, listening to them and going along with the plan. Being a traitor and breaking his trust. Or tell Axel, expose the plan, and pray that he doesn't get hurt. In between a rock and a hard place.

"Good, we've been getting a reading, you're in the Clinic right?" The question makes me stiffen as I stare at the phone in silence.

"Yeah." I answer simply as I struggle with the question. That's only super creepy.

"Looks like we are getting a strong connection then, that's good." Agent Ross answers and I shrug, rubbing my arm. I guess that's a good thing; when things go wrong, I'll be able to be found.

"We are getting close to our plan being finalized, do you have questions?" Agent Thompson asks, far less pleasant than Agent Ross. I don't really like Agent Thompson.

"What exactly is the plan? No one's really told me." Throughout this whole planning process, they've kept things very vague and undefined. Which was fine until I started having my doubts and lack of faith for the trio.

"Like we've discussed. You'll be bait, gather evidence after a few days we'll-" My eyes widen and my heart beats angrily, slamming against my chest angrily.

"Days!? We never talked about days! Why on earth would I ever agree to be tormented by them for days?" I'm astounded as I stare at the phone. I figured a day at most, that would be all that they'd need, right? How stupid can I be? I keep following along like a freaking sheep. When will I learn?

"It's the only way to get solid evidence against multiple heads. It'll take out more legally." You're kidding me?

"How many days? Days are a little too vague for me to be comfortable to just follow along like a dog anymore!" I growl as my emotions ramp up angrily. I hate this, more than before, maybe it's because I've grown a clue to ask questions.

"Four at max, it wouldn't be long, just long enough to get Axel up to speed and initiate a plan." Four days? You're kidding.

"Have you ever spent four days getting beaten and brutalized? That's insanely long!" They have no idea just how cruel and brutal these people are! They take pleasure from making little girls bleed and taking their time to use them for pleasure. That doesn't make for a pleasant time.

"Four days is necessary, it's going to get the evidence we need." Bear speaks up for the first time. He's become the man I turn to, he has the most sound logic that I've been able to listen to, considering the craziness that I'm surrounded with. It's the best thing I could ask for.

"Four days is extensive, we never talked about four days." Bear had admitted that he was working along with Axel for a plan, wanting to see which one would work better. Does he believe Axel's plan will work better? I want to tell him.

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