Chapter 50 - 117

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It is pouring down rain when we get back into Beacon Hills and pull up to Deaton's.

We open the back of the jeep so Scott and Stiles can grab Derek, carrying him inside the side door to the vet's office.

Deaton clears off a metal table and we reach out to help Scott lay Derek onto the table as softly as possible.

Deaton looks over the very much younger Derek over before stating "Wow"

Stiles looks up with a raise of his brows "Wow? Wow as in, 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do', kind of wow? 'Cause that's the kind of wow we were hoping for..."

Deaton raises his brows over in our direction as he shakes his head, "I think you might be overestimating my abilities."

I move my hand on the table and it brushes with Derek's, earning a gasp from me with the temperature as I grasp his hand in mine "Guys, he's cold. Really cold"

Deaton shares a look with me before grabbing Derek's other arm and feeling for himself how cold he is especially for being wrapped in a blanket the whole car ride here

"Do you think this is permanent?" Scott questions and Deaton shakes his head before grabbing his doctor light to shine it in each of Derek's eyes "I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate. This is well beyond my experience."

Stiles nods his head forward "So what do we do with him?"

Deaton shakes his head and looks between us and Derek as he states "Until he wakes up. Probably not much. It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here"

"You mean from Kate?" Stiles confirms and Deaton nods his way as he elaborates "If she's alive and she is what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate."

I look sadly at the youngin on the table and shake my head softly "Why would she want to do this to him?"

Deaton shrugs "Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be any good for anyone but her–"

"And bad for everyone else" Stiles scoffs and sets his hand on my lower back as he steps closer behind me.

I close my eyes and rest the back of my head on Stiles' chest. I hear him exhale softly as he moves both of his hands to my hips and sets the side of his head against mine.

I hear Deaton let out a sigh before I open my eyes with his words "You guys should probably go home. He doesn't look to be in any danger. So maybe the rest of you should get some sleep? It is a school night... and you all need to start taking care of your own lives again" sleep sounds good

Scott clears his throat "Someone should stay with you."

I shrug when I feel Derek's grip on my hand increase and look to Scott "I'll stay. My grades are fine– despite missing a few classes."

Stiles makes a noise "Ha– yea, I'm so not okay with this."

I raise a brow as I look over my other shoulder at him "Guys, go– I'll be fine"

Stiles jerks his head back slightly with the look I send his way, shaking his head at me "Adds, no– if you're staying, I'm staying."

Scott sets his hand on my arm, gaining my attention back towards him "Text us if anything happens"

I nod and offer a small smile towards him before Stiles' voice chimes in behind me "Nope, still not okay with it. Not going anywhere–"

I turn towards Stiles, kissing him quickly before holding in my laugh while I watch Scott move past me to set his hands on Stiles' chest and push him away from me, muttering "Let her make her own decisions man, besides I need you to drive me home"

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