We Were Meant To Be Something

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She's always gone before you can notice her, always overlooked. People see orange and brown and pumpkins and cinnamon but they never see that she is slowly dying, screaming for someone to help as she withers away, she is put between people who take up too much space but she is too shy to say something. She is alone but she will survive the year, she always does for sometimes the moon wipes her tears and reminds her that she is a goddess, she smiles but she doesn't believe it.

She is so scared to say she is hurting so she suffers in silence content with a kiss of snow before she's gone. I worry for her, worry that she will be trampled and crushed like leaves under your boot.


He is cold and distant, the closest thing to death. He only works in extremes because he doesn't know how to be soft. He is a storm, always waiting. He was never shown love as a young god, only ever told that he was a necessary evil, that nobody loved him they only love the things they made him into. Nobody wants the blank sheets of frost and snow, they want snow angels and hot chocolate. The frost in his chest burns but he thinks he deserves it, I suppose that once you are told you are nothing but a monster you start to believe it as well.

He is so scared to feel the warmth of love so he freezes his heart until it's numb. I worry for him, worry that he will never let himself be happy.


She is beautiful, a sweet relief from the cold but that is all anyone will see. She worked so hard to be kind, she is too human to be a god. She was something before this, she tells herself as she looks at the ponds and the deer, she repeats it like a prayer. Perhaps if she says it enough she will believe it. I wish she saw her true ability, she has the power to burn down the world but instead she grows flowers. You don't deserve her. I tell her to yell but instead she sings lullabies. You don't deserve her.

She is so scared that the night will rip her away from humanity. I worry for her, worry that one day she will give the pieces of herself that she can never get back.


He is suave and seductive, a force to be reckoned with. He thinks that he was made only to serve humanity and maybe he was but that doesn't stop him from trying to rebel. He was supposed to be fire and destruction but somewhere down the line he just became a slave to the sun. He never meant for it to be like this, never meant to be something special he just wanted to live. Now he puts on a mask and sits on a throne of the blood he has shed. He lies more than his share with false promises.he doesn't realize what he has become and for the sake of humanity I hope he never does.

He is so scared to be himself. I worry for him, worry that one day he will forget his divinity and instead he will become the very thing that makes the world crash.

You see they were just gods that got too close to the ground. Always destined to fall, to be nothing more than humanities greatest tragedy.

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