Chapter 61

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-A couple days have passed-

I've been up and walking about since the surgery but they still want to keep me here for a couple more days. This guy, who I still don't know who he is, is here. And he's playing and singing... he's really good at that but that's all i really know.

"Why do you stay?"


"No the guy behind you" I roll my eyes a little and smile.

"Cause I'm your fiancée"

"Wait what?"

He sighs "You still don't remember? Ill be right back." He gets up and leaves.

"Ok well I'm not going anywhere."

Keith went to go find her doctor. He's trying so hard to stay strong about the whole situation but he's almost at a breaking point. And then he passes the neonatal care unit. He breaks down.

"Mr Urban, are you alright?" Dr Shepard asks.

"No, I'm not. My fiancée can't remember me and probably won't ever remember me and just she lost another baby. We were preparing for this one and we - well I now cause she doesn't remember- were so excited.." he just kinda trails off his train of thought there.

"Mr Urban, She went through a traumatic experience, retro grade amnesia is expected. She should start remembering things soon. Don't give up on her now, C'mon you can come with me to get her and take her to get a head CT and try a memory experiment. Ok?"

"Ok" He helps him get up

"Also it might be good for you to go home, get some rest and come back in the morning. You're exhausted, she'll be fine here don't worry."

"Fine ill go home after the CT and memory test."

-at the CT-

"Everything's normal so it's just gonna take some time. Ok? Keith?"


"You look exhausted." Dr. Grey says when she walks in.

"Thanks" Keith laughs a little.

"How is she?"

"Everything's normal except her memory loss"


Keith sighs.

"Keith go home. Get some rest. Please." Dr. Grey says.

"Fine ill go. Call me as soon as anything changes."

"Ok don't worry we will." Dr Shepard smiles.

-Keith goes home-

The house is quiet. He just goes and just sits. He's worried sick. He has no idea how long he had been sitting there or how long he had been asleep for when he gets a call...

-I'm gonna start adding media to the chapters, prob gonna be a mix of YouTube videos and photos. If you guys want me too plz comment if you do/don't-

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