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Dean picked up his brother's boot and chucked it at his sleeping head. Sam grunted then groaned in pain.

"What the hell Dean?" He snapped as he threw back the blankets and rubbed where the boot hit him.

"Time to get on the road Sam," Dean replied

"You couldn't just wake me up like a normal person?"

"Nah," Dean shook his head, "decided karma needed to kick you in the head."

"Wha... for what?" Sam grumbled.

"For sticking me with Princess flood gates yesterday," Dean responded.

"You realize you're still riding with her today right," Sam said as he started getting dressed.

"I do," he said, "which is why I told Ben to fix that shit last night."

"Dean just because you told him to do it doesn't mean they worked out their problems," Sam sighed. "It's some pretty big issues, they're not just gonna work it out overnight."

"I have faith in Ben," Dean said as he shoved the last bit of his stuff in his bag then zipped it up.

"Whatever Dean," Sam sighed.

They threw their bags over their shoulders and headed out the door. 

"What'd I tell ya," Dean nudged Sam and nodded to the young couple making out against the passenger side of his car. "Just like his old man."

"Not sure that's really something to be proud of Dean," Sam said.

"Hey! Off the car!" Dean scolded. 


Fourteen hours, three pit stops for gas, and one roadside diner meal later they finally arrived in Trenton, New Jersey. 

"Well, looks like this is where we start," Dean said getting out of his car at the motel they had pulled into.

"What's the plan?" asked Ben.

"Rowena is a social witch so she's going to be at a party," explained Dean.

"And not just any party," Interjected Sam, "somewhere ritzy. A really classy place, with a lot of high ballers."

Krissy pulled out her tablet and began tapping away on it "looks like there's two in the vicinity tonight. One at a penthouse apartment, another at a hotel. Looks like the penthouse is a small gathering, no big money makers. The hotel event is a charity ball though, lots of big wigs. The positive is their guest list is electronic, I've already added our names."

She looked up to see Sam and Dean baffled.

"Does she always do that?" Dean asks quietly to Ben.

"Yep," he answered.

"Can you teach me that?" asked Sam.

"Sure, it's really just an algorithm I developed to get passed software blocks," Krissy said. 

"Well, that's settled," Ben said, "looks like we're going to a ball."

"Wait, we can't just go in there like this," Sam motioned to their clothes.

"I saw a formal wear store just a block up," Ben said with a shrug.

"It's midnight Ben, how do you expect to get in," Sam asked.

"I got this," Dean said as he picked up a large rock.

"Wait!" Krissy called out, "I could just hack the security system and disarm the alarm and cameras."

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