Day 24: A Wild Rose

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December 24th

"Deku, wake up!" announced an excited voice. At first, Izuku would've immediately assumed it was his mother. But upon further inspection (by opening his eyes, of course), it turned out to be little Eri craning her neck over to greet him.

Deku screamed in alarm, as expected of the boy. He was very easily startled. Todoroki instinctively wrapped a protective arm around Deku, despite him still having been asleep. "Eri! Hey- uh, hi! G-Good morning!" he stammered. His face was now blooming into a shade of red. Firstly, out of embarrassment, and secondly, because of Todoroki's actions.

"Can you finish the story? Pleaaaase?" Eri begged, her cherry-colored eyes beginning to take on the form of puppy-dog eyes.

"Huh? Oh, the story I was telling you last night? Hmm.. how about later, after we get some breakfast? I'm kind of craving Froot Loops right now.." Midoriya confessed, an apologetic smile framing over his lips. He was glad to hear that Eri had enjoyed his story so much, even if he had taken the main idea from a classic book.

Eri looked a little disappointed. "Okay.. want to race? So you can tell the story after we're done eating?"

"Eri, I don't think that's such a good idea, I mean, you might choke!" Deku insisted, but the young girl was already sprinting out of the bedroom, her All Might bunny ears flying after her.

"Seems as if you've won over Eri's attention," Todoroki softly teased, his words coming across as a bit muffled. Half of his cheek was pressed into the pillow, and his eyes were fluttering ever so slightly, trying to ward off any incoming temptations to fall asleep.

"But.. my story isn't even that good. If anything, it is way too dark.." Deku sighed softly. "I'm not sure it's the best idea to finish it.. I mean, everyone basically dies in the end."

"It's your story, Izuku," Todoroki pointed out. "It might be a play on someone else's writing, but that doesn't mean you have to continue it step by step. Why don't you make it original in your own way?" He finally lifted his head from the pillow, a slight smile tweaking over his lips. "Show Eri that not everything has to have a devastating ending.. but I recommend that you include the theme of the story. That every character had devoted their lives to her in one way or another.. it would be a nice way to welcome her into your home."

Wow. Midoriya didn't even know that Todoroki was capable of talking that much. However, he took the initiative, knowing that he was right. "Shouto, that's brilliant. Thank you." His eyes flickered with a combination between determination and motivation. That's a lot of 'ation' words. A bunch of ideas were flooding into his mind like a flipbook.
"Breakfast first," Todoroki reminded him. He helped Midoriya get up by clasping onto both of his hands. Midoriya thanked him.

"We have a lot to do today, don't we?" Midoriya asked, stretching his arms up and yawning. He began to ramble. "First off, we have to go back to the dorms pretty soon for the Secret Santa. Not sure when. I'll text Ochako. Speaking of, I really hope that she's okay.. I kinda heard that she got in a fight with Mineta a few days ago. She didn't text me about many details, but apparently she's friends with Kacchan now, which I'm really happy to hear."

"Are you sure that he won't hurt her?" Todoroki, who had somehow been listening in on the whole thing, interrupted.

"Huh? Oh.. yeah. Well, that won't happen. I won't let him. Ochako is pretty good at self defense techniques, too. But Kacchan has done a great job at keeping his temper. I mean.. it's been an improvement since our first year at U.A, at least. I can say with confidence that I'm pretty sure he won't harm her." Midoriya nodded at his own words, as if he was confirming them.

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