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Hazel's POV

I curl up in my cage tightly, shivering from the cold winter air. It feels like the air conditioner is on, but I have a feeling that there is just a draft in the house.

Looking around at my surroundings,  I can tell that Master's home isn't in the best shape. The cracked walls and window frames speak of age, and the torn up carpet, use.

I wrap the wet bath towel around me more, using it as a blanket. I haven't seen Master in over an hour and I am scared to see if he will still be mad.

I hadn't expected him to be so angry when I had tried to drink my bath water. I was done with my bath, and he was only going to get rid of it.

I hold my cheek, it still hurting from how hard he hit me. Tears leak out and I shiver, cold and scared.

I've only been in the bathroom and what I assume to be the living room, but I can tell the house isn't that big.

I listen closely to every creak for the run down house, waiting for Master to jump out and hurt me more. Creaking floor boards echo through out the house and I close my eyes, trying to calm myself down.

I worked myself up about it not to long ago and it was nothing.

More tears slip down my face and I jump with a terrified yelp as something ticklish brushes against my cage. I gasp, jumping back and rattling my cage, my eyes snapping open.

My breath freezes in my lungs at an unfamiliar sound. "Meow." A cat brushes against the cage I'm in, looking at me.

I let out a shaky breath, staring at the cat. I haven't seen one in person and it almost feels surreal. It meows again and brushes against my cage.

It puts its paws up on the side of my cage, standing on its back paws as it checks me out. It smells it the cage I curiosity and purrs as it rubs its face against the bars, scratching itself.

I'm so enamored by the cat, I don't even see Master approaching until he's a few steps away. "Blue," he sighs, making me jump.

He leans down and picks up the cat and I cower away in my cage. He doesn't look mad, but I don't want to find out that he is the hard way.

He gaze switches from the cat to me and his jaw tightens. "You shouldn't be wrapped up in a wet towel. It will never dry," he says, looking at me expectantly.

I hesitate and when he doesn't move, I slide the soft towel from my body and timidly put it outside my cage door.

He grabs it wordlessly, the towel in one hand and the cat in the other.

I continue to shiver, wrapping my arms around myself to try and keep myself warm. I look around the living room, trying to find something to occupy my mind.

Tears gather in my eyes, disregarding that I'm trying to not think about how cold or crappy I feel or how much my cheek hurts. I was cold before with the wet towel, but at least I had some dignity left.

Nothing is more humiliating then being stuck in a cage naked like some dog.

I wish for the cat to come back, so that I can at least watch it try to scratch itself on my cage.

Tears leak out to my dismay and I sniffle, trying to wipe away the bitter tears. The floor by the door creaks again and I jump, a terrified sob leaving my mouth.

Master's silhouette is frozen in the doorway and I suck in a deep breath, holding it in to try and calm myself.

My chest tightens painfully as I hold my breath, trying to silence my crying. "Come out, Hazel." Master crosses the room in only a few strides.

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