9. Running From a Vampire

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--------------------Damon's POV-------------------

  "Well hey there." a sultry voices whispers just inches from my ear.

   Turning I see big blue eyes ready to devour me. She is a tall woman, with tan skin and long blond hair. A bombshell, yet I have to feign interest. Holding back the eye roll that so desperately wants to escape, I have to force myself to smile at her. My smug expression instinctively sliding into place.

  "Well hey back." I don't even need to try, already I know she is thinking of ways to get me to bring her home.

  "Buy a girl a drink?" She slides into the stool next to me, all the while keeping her body in my line of sight.

   Sure why not, I am always ready for a bite. I wave to the bar tender and he takes only a moment to bring her what she wants. When not out being Stefan's errand boy, I tend to gravitate here, to this little hole in the wall bar. Finding someone to drink with, and then to drink from, is a lot simpler in a place like this.

  Just like so many others, this little beauty is putty in my hands. As we drink we talk, and as we talk she grows more and more eager to follow me anywhere. It used to be so much fun, the hunt. Choosing my prey and then making a party out of it, playing with them for my amusement.

  Was all in good fun of course. There would be music and dancing and well, lots of feeding. More often than not they would leave not remembering a thing, feeling like they had a great night, but to never bother me again.

  Now though, it is less than ideal. No matter how much fun I decide to have, it all feels like something is missing. Something deep inside aches and I have to force myself forward, convincing everyone I am still the same old Damon. Pretending as always, not to care. Then, of course, there is her. Haunting my every wandering thought.

  I stand abruptly, forcing my thoughts under control, and slam the rest of my drink. I realize that I have not listened to a thing this woman has said to me. I try to reflect on our 'conversation' but thoughts of that girl always playing on the edge of my mind. I refuse to think about her, no matter how intoxicating she may be.

  "What's wrong baby?" She doesn't really look concerned, more worried that I might be leaving without her.

 "Lets get out of here." I don't look at her just shrug into my jacket before turning to leave.

  "About time." I hear the smile in her voice but I just don't have the energy to reciprocate it.

  I hold out my arm for her and without hesitation she takes it, ready for me to lead her wherever my heart desires. As we step out into the night air it hits me, she is near. I waver as Nereza's scent fully washes over me, consumes me. I close my eyes to steady myself and try to breathe deeply, but it does not help.

  "Baby?" The blond questions my sudden stillness, but the sound of her voice fills me with nothing but annoyance.

  "Go." My voice cold, I have lost all interest in an evening with her.

  "Seriously?" She pulls her arm away and stares at me with bewilderment. Facing her now I let a cruel smile cross my lips.

  "Oh yes." I say, moving my hands to shoo her away.

  "You have got to be kidding me!" She moves her hands to her hips, her whole body getting ready to tell me off. I roll my eyes before setting her with my intense stare.

  "You need to go home and think about your life. Question your eagerness to go home with a stranger who has shown no interest in getting to know you." I speak firmly, commanding her. She blinks a few times as the compulsion takes over.

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