Chapter 96

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It's been over an hour now since I pressed our help buttons. not that I expected help to be here by now or as much as I hate to say it, anytime soon, I really wish it would hurry up.

I still feel like we are in danger of some kind of ambush. We didn't know where those first two assassins came from so what's not to say there's not more? We are completely defenseless if someone does find us.

Speaking of finding us I don't actually know how whoever comes to rescue us - I'm assuming Howard - will actually find us. The buttons just give off a general signal, not a specific location so they aren't going to know we are hidden in this parking building.

Also of course, Steve is deteriorating so fast. He's a dead weight against me and hasn't stirred since he first blacked out. And while he's freezing I'm sweating from the sheer heat pounding down on us and his dead body weight.

I've been keeping an eye on my watch and about every half hour or so I let the tourniquet loose for a few seconds just so that a little blood is able to flow through. At least that's what I swear I was taught in army training but then again, who am I to trust my own memory?

Doesn't matter. Although neither would be ideal, I'd rather be telling Peggy that Steve lost his leg not his life.

I've got pins and needles all up my left side and I don't know if it's from the short circuits in my arm or Steve's heavy body cutting off my circulation. I'm dying to get up, stretch, walk around and check out the area a little bit, see if there's any signs of movement. But Steve's already lost so much blood that I'm terrified that if I let go of his wounds he will bleed out.

All I can do is sit there with Steve's body against me, hold the gauze and fabric against his wounds and wait. At least the position I'm in allows me to still feel his heartbeat and keep track of his breathing. It hasn't changed so I must be doing something right. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

I try to tell myself that help will be here soon. We took at least nine hours with a food stop when we were coming here on our motorbikes. Surely if Help comes in the form of a vehicle they can do it in a little less. A helicopter would be best, theyd get here in like half the time I'd say. I hope they bring a helicopter. There's no way I can last another six or more hours like this. I'll go mad.


Considering we left so early in the morning and it's been such a long day, it's evening by the time fatigue starts to hit me. I've probably been too charged with adrenaline before that. But now my limbs are weak, my eyes are heavy, my mouth has a funny sour taste in it and I'm absolutely parched and starving. Despite this, I do not let myself fall asleep. I have to stay awake for Steve.

However, the second I swear I hear the whisper of a helicopter blade over head I'm on my feet. I sling Steve over my shoulder and stagger our into the open. Thankfully the sun has started to go down so I'm not being blinded by it as I look up into the sky. I can see a small black dot circling overhead and start waving out desperately, falling to my knees under Steve's sheer weight.

It's stupid really. I know it is, but I'm desperate. It might not even be SHIELD. It could be Hydra for all i know. But forgive me for being desperate.

Once they see me I immediately lay Steve back down and go back to pressing against his wounds. Already in just the few seconds that I let go, fresh blood has started to seep through. As they get lower the wind starts to nearly push me over. It takes all my strength not to steady myself with a hand or shield my eyes from the dust. But I. Will. Not. Let. Go.

I watch helplessly as they land and Howard immediately jumps out of the cockpit as the rotter blades start to slow. I lift Steve up like a rag doll and run to meet him, holding him as carefully as possible but he just seems to flop around lifelessly. Howard's eyes go wide at the site.

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