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Have you ever been to a theme park, and stood in line for a roller coaster that you have never been on? You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach as you get closer and closer to the beginning of the line. Then when it is finally your turn to ride the terrifying coaster, the latch comes down and you hear that click that confirms that there is no going back. And all that is running through your mind is, “Why the hell did I choose to do this?”

That is exactly how I feel right now.

Mr. Hollington looked like I had dented his brand new ride. This man sure knows how to look scary. More like terrifying. I slowly walked up to him to hand him the package.

“I have rules for a reason, Ms. Flowers. And you disobeyed me.” His glare never left me. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. “I told you not to talk to anyone. And what did you do?”

“I spoke to a police officer and he gave me a ride.” I lowered my head in shame, knowing what was to come next. I’m going to be fired on my first day of the job. “But he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

“I don’t care. I told you to do something, and you will do it. When I hired you, I specifically asked if you could follow directions, and you told me that you could. You lied, Ms. Flowers. That is not the kind of employee I need nor want.” His glare became even fiercer. I’m not sure what clicked in me, maybe it is the new found freedom I have from leaving my home life, or maybe it is the thrill I still have running through my body of telling a police officer what to do, but I snapped. I snapped so hard.

“Listen hear. I did tell you that I could follow directions, and I can. But you have some strange ass rules, Samuel Hollington. I came to New York City to get away from my shitty life, and you aren’t making it any better. Donna and Cassie told me that you could be an asshole, and they are right. I don’t know what is shoved so far up your ass, but it looks like you need some help to get it out. And I’m not even sure why you have these rules, but some of them are absolutely ridiculous. I have to wear my hair down for now on? I don’t know if you have noticed, but I am a grown ass woman…a huge ass woman who can wear her hair anyway she damn well pleases.” My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath. I didn’t give him enough time to respond. “And another thing, I know that I am a fat ass, so you don’t have to stare. I get enough of rude comments and dirty looks every day of my life. I don’t need them from you. Before I know it you will add another rule saying that I will have to lose weight so that I will look socially acceptable for this job. All aboard the Nope Train to Fuck That Ville! Now if you will excuse me, I need to go search for a new job.” I shoved the package into his hands and I turned on my heel and began to head for the door. What is wrong with me? Why did I say all that? I can’t believe I just threw away this job. Now it will probably take me months before I will find a new one. My hand barely touched the handle of the door when he spoke up.

“Sarah.” I stopped in my tracks to hear what this man has to say to me. “I will give you the benefit of the doubt since it is your first day. But I expect you to be in my office tomorrow morning at 6. You may have the rest of the day off.” I turned to say something else to him, but he was already in the elevator. Our eyes connected before the doors completely closed and what I saw in his eyes shocked me. I’m not sure what I saw in them, but part of it looked like respect and the other looked like confusion.

***Author’s Note***

Another quick chapter for you all. I hope the cursing wasn’t too much too handle. Let me know what you all think.



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