{23} - Ty

599 38 15


"For the last damn time, I did not have anything to do with his death!"

Ty had about enough. Being questioned doesn't bring the most comfortable feelings in the world, nor does it help the police themselves if the person they are questioning isn't guilty at all, and instead, it's pressuring the poor fellow that has to sit there miserably with drops of sweat falling down from the side of his face. That's what Ty was feeling right now. Pressured, nervous, and filled with guilt that made no sense whatsoever. He stared at the person that was questioning him dead in the eye, "I'm dead serious! I swear I have nothing to do with it! Just because I was coincidentally with him before he disappeared, does not mean you have the right to spill false accusations at me and make me feel like utter shit!"

In the corner of the small room, Jason frowned, wishing that he could help his friend out. He just wanted to speak up and snap at the oblivious retards from in front of him, but unless he wanted to loose his job and become homeless in a shithole of a city, then it was obligatory for him to keep his mouth shut. "Ty, you may not have done anything. But please, do you have any idea what he did when you last saw him?" His doctor asked him, the only human being he could be open to, kept asking him.

Ty licked his lips in thought as he scraped his finger nails against the white table he sat at, "I, I remember fighting with him, not physically of course! Only a heated argument, so I left. . . And that left him with. . ." Ty raised his eyebrows in realization, "T-That left him with my girlfriend. . . Jocelyn Marie. . ."

His doctor lowered his eyes down to the cement floor, "I see. . ."

One of the officers turned to look at Jason, "Bring the girl in."

Ty's eyes widened, not because he suspected her, but because he didn't want to put her in the same pressure he was in. Jason looked at Ty in hesitation, but he sighed and nodded as he started stepping out of the room, "Right. . . I'll be back."

Ty glared at everyone in the room, "You've got to be shitting me, she's innocent, she has to be! She left with me to go to a counseling session! She couldn't have done anything wro-"

"Ty, we're trying to find your friend's killer. Like I said before, even if it wasn't her, she may know where he went after he visited your house. May I remind you, we have to be very thoughtful in these type of situations, so please, bare with us."

He huffed and rubbed his temples, silently hoping that Jocelyn wouldn't have a short panic attack. Once the door opened, he looked up abruptly, just as Jason entered, tugging gently at Jocelyn's sleeve. Her face was pale and nervous as she looked around the small room in panic. The doctor softened his voice at the frail girl, "Jocelyn. You remember me, right?"

She nodded quickly and gave a pleading look over at Ty. He sighed and looked at Jason helplessly, who gave him a, 'I'm sorry, it's my job' sort of look. One of the officers saw this and he looked at the counselor, "Hey, is it ok for us to escort Ty out of here? You know, so you can talk to the girl in private?"

The doctor nodded in thought, "Yes. . . Go ahead. . ."

Jason walked over to Ty and he pulled him up gently, "Come with me. . ."

Ty looked over at Jocelyn and he mouthed, 'Everything will be ok', just before he slowly walked away with Jason. An officer closed the door behind them, and Ty finally cracked, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP US?!"

"Ty, I'm so so sorry, I. . . I couldn't do anything! It was either losing my job or-"

"Or what? Even if you did get fired, you have a shit ton of friends to help you out!" Ty protested as his foot pounded against the concrete floor in pure frustration.

"Ty, don't you understand? I couldn't do anything! I don't want to be jobless in this shitty town! And for your information, I actually enjoy my job, thank you very much!" Jason retorted. He hated it when Ty got whiny, pouty, anything related to those annoying characteristics. Couldn't he understand that he wasn't the only one in pain?

"Oh! So you enjoy fucking girls for a living? That's very mature!" Ty snarled, "Might as well scribble 'Fake Cop' over your goddamn forehead!"

Jason fumed in anger as his fists trembled, thinking deep into the dark parts of his mind to come up with something to shut him up, but sadly, he couldn't do this, since the door to the room they were once in creaked open, as a very pale and sweating Jocelyn Marie ran out and hugged Ty tightly, "Ty! I'm so so so so sorry! I panicked! I didn't know what to say-"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down!" Ty laughed as he cupped Jocelyn's two cheeks, looking straight into her bewildered eyes. "What happened? What did you say?"

Her lip trembled as she looked back at the room, "I, I said that you-"


Realizing what was going on, Ty slowly looked up from Jocelyn and at his counselor's confused face, as he held handcuffs in his right hand, which pretty much finished Jocelyn's sentence for her as he said,

"You are under arrest for convicted murder."

-Author's Note-


Well then

(Lol the doctor doesn't have a name so I imagine him as either Dr. Watson or the twelfth doctor)


Antyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Btw I'd like to thank @EdLieksThings for the new cover! :D

Oh, and 500 votes! :DDD

Thank you so much ily! <3

I really appreciate the votes bc they are awesome

Which makes you awesome c:

So, stay awesome! <3

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