Chapter 2

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Authors Note: Now that you've meet Roxane and her family its now time to meet the player.

Where the fuck am I and why is my room so cold? I patted around to my bed for my blanket. This was not my bed. Everything was to hard and unfamiular. I must not be in my room then. Thats odd, I could  of swore I made it my bed last night. Again, if I'm not in my room then where the hell am I?

I pushed myself up to a kneeling position. Owe. My. Head. I must be more hungover than I thought. Woah Woah Woah. I started to wobble and faceplanted on what I figured was my front lawn and landed in.... Dog shit? I stuck out my tounge to taste it. Bleck! Yup definatly dog shit and I just tasted it! What else can go wrong. Tick-tick- tick.  Are you fucking kiding me dad! The sprinkles! Within seconds I was concious, cold, and wet. 

Warmth, I need warmth. I sprinted to the porch, only to colide into my dad. 

" I see your finally up." That's it I'm done for. 

" Moring dad," I cringed. 

" Yeah good moring indeed Uriah," he snorted, " Why were you sleeping on the lawn."


He knows why, he just wants me to admit it.  I won't do it. The last time my dad found out I was drunk I had to voulnteer at the nurising home for punishment. Old people smell and they are really clingy. I don't do clingy at all. I wish my dad would of take my cell phone away. 

" Uriah," my father used his tell me the truth tone right now, " Please don't tell me you were drunk." 

I didn't just get drunk, I also fucked Lori Greyson. It was pretty rad if you ask me.

" Damn it Uriah," dad swore, " You promised me you wouldnt drink again." 

" I did?" When did I do that? 

" You remeber right? You were blaring some crap music and I told you I didn't want you drinking again and you said and I quote. Yeah yeah sure." 

Oh shit I did! Fuck! I compelty forgot all about that! 

" You lied to me Uriah," dad scoled, " I'm very disapointed in you."

  "Hey," I protested in a tried manner,  " Its not my fault. I don't even remember making you that promise till right now."

" I figured that out."

Damn it why did he have to be so smart!? Better yet why did all adults have to be so smart? Its makes me feel so dumb.

" I did something thinking," dad admitted, " I think its time you need an inspiration." 

Oh God! Not more commuinty service! I can't handle that anymore. I will worship the ground my dad walks on and kiss his ass if thats what I have to do get out of it. 

" Go inside and clean up," he insturcted, " We leave for church in half and hour." 

Church I thought while he headed into the house what hell is chuch?

According to my smart phone a church is a place where people go to pray and worship God. Thats what dad ment by inspiration! As soon as our navy jeep pulled up to the so called "church" I said, " Screw it. I'm not going in there!" 

The white bulidng was at least a story tall if not higher with sturdy colums and a big ass bell.  At least a dozen were lining up to enter thourgh the maginficent grand doors. All the men were all dressed in anything but what I was wearing. I felt out of place in blue jeans and a tyded tshirt. 

" I think it would be a great idea if we turn around and pretend we get loss. What do you say dad?" 

I was waiting for a yeah Uriah thats a great idea. I didnt get one. 

" You don't have a choice Uriah," is what I  got instead.

" Of course I do," I fought back," I'm eighteen for God's sake! I'm an adult!" 

" Yes you are," he agreed, " But as long as you live under my roof you will do as I say. Now get out of the car."


             Ugh! Why me? I got out and mumbled that I should start looking for my own place that way I don't have to be bossed around anymore. This whole going to church thing is a waste of my time. Nothing good is going to come out of me Sacre Blure? My thoughts were proven wrong when I saw a really hot blond go inside with the most dazzaling saphaire eyes I have ever seen. Holy Hell! If the girls that come here look like that I should start going more often.

Authors Note: I spent hours thinking of a name for the player. I wanted something unique and a letter that I haven't used a whole lot. Thank you Veronica Roth for the inspiration name. 

Authors Note: here you have it. You have now met the Virgin and The Play. Feel free to coment and tell me what you think. 

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