Learning To Love Him 31

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I was barely awake when someone grabbed my arm to drag me out of bed and stumbled over my feet to keep up with them. The explosive sound that had just gone off had my ears ringing and my head pounding. It was so loud. Definitely not a good way to be woken up.

"Jayden!" I heard Corey's frightened shout between many other screams.

"He's fine," Zeke called back. I opened my eyes to see that Zeke was the one that had dragged me from the trailer before my eyes drew to the people running around us in panic and the smoke looming overhead.

"What the fuck just happened?!" Kaden shouted.

"They said someone planted a bomb in the kitchen. Help me get everyone as far away from here as possible." Sean said grabbing a little girl that was currently screaming her lungs out as she cried. No one seemed to be with her so I suspected that she had lost her parents in the chaos.

"Where's Trent?!" Corey's voice came again and I looked around trying to find him, he stood amongst our friends looking around.

"He's getting the girls," Zeke replied. I pulled my arm from his hand and turned around before gasping. The restaurant was on fire... and there were fuel tanks behind us. Who the heck would set something alight at a gas station in the middle of practically nowhere?!

"Guys! Stop staring at it and help me get people away from it!" Sean shouted at us.

I glanced around. There were quite a few people running around screaming, others in cars trying to get out of the parking lot without hurting anyone but being blocked by more cars and people. It looked like less than one hundred people, but definitely more than fifty.

"Jayden, get out of here." Corey's voice drew my attention back to him.

"No. I'm helping." I stated. He opened his mouth, undoubtedly to protest, but I continued, "I may not be as fast and strong as you are but I'm a lot faster than you think! I'm not leaving!" I left before he could argue and I grabbed an old woman and a guy not too far from her.

"What are you –?" The man was silenced by the fact that we were over 200 meters from the gas station in just a couple of seconds. I turned to head back but was held back when he grabbed hold of me.

"Wait!" He shouted, "My wife – she-she was in the bathroom, she's short and has blonde –" he was saying but I left before he could finish. One of the others would find her if I did not, I was certain of that.

We went back and forth with people until they were all safe in the field and the fuel station blew up. I looked around trying to spot the man from earlier and was relieved to see that he had found his wife. They, like everyone else, were either staring at us or the station in shock.

"Alright, now what do we do? They've all seen what we can do." Zeke hissed.

"We compel them to forget," Kaden replied as he walked up to a woman to speak to her. Izabella, Rita and Trent followed his lead but before I could, Corey grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him. The first thing I noticed was that his blue eyes had gone completely dark.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" He snapped at me, "It might not have been a direct order but you can't just disrespect my authority like that."

"Stop telling me what to do! I'm not part of your pack, you're not my Beta; you can't order me to do anything –"

"As long as we're out here, I damn-well am your Beta! You –"

"This is not the time or place for the two of you to be arguing! Both of you shut up!" Hayley interrupted him.

Learning To Love Him (boyxboy) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now