How Deep Is Your Love Pt. 3

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A/N: I can't believe y'all really thought it was Hagakure lmao. Anyways, dub-con/non-con. Please read with caution.

"Sho. Sho, wake up."

The duo-quirk user grumbles incoherently, tossing his arm around Katsuki and snuggling close to him. The blonde boy tries again, shaking the heavy wall of muscle on top of him.


"Mmm? Wassa matter, babe?"

He's completely out of it.

"I gotta---I need to take a piss."

"M'kay pwincess, daddy'll take you to potty~"

And then he's out like a light again, snoring obnoxiously in Katsuki's ear. The explosive boy can't say he's all that angry about it. Shouto's been literally on his toes for days on end, not allowing anyone who wasn't a 'Todoroki approved caregiver' within a five foot radius of him and snapping at anyone who even did so much as ask to borrow a pencil from his baby.

He still feels bad about freezing poor All Might to the ceiling.

Even so, nothing else has happened between Katsuki and his stalker since then, either. It's been fairly quiet and uneventful, which Katsuki should be grateful for but his paranoia won't let him.

Nedzu says that it was most likely just someone pranking him.

Shouto thinks that's a load of horse shit, which he voices aloud.

Katsuki just wants peace in his shithole of a life for once.

He peels the sleepy boy off of him and slides out of bed as best he can without waking him. He knows Shouto's going to be pissed at him about it later but if he isn't going to get up then he'll just have to go by himself.


"Get your shit together, Katsuki, you're a fucking beast for fuck's sake." It's meant to be a sort of pep talk as his nerves begin to get the better of him. He can see the bathroom at the end of the hall, hands clawed and bared in case somebody tries to catch him slipping and he can melt their goddamn faces off.

He's a bit disappointed with himself, allowing himself to forget that he is a top hero at U.A and has literally thrown hands with a god like All Might before. "Guess it's what I get for letting myself be fuckin' coddled all the time. I'm gettin' soft."

He relieves his bladder with a  sigh of satisfactory, head tilted back ever so slightly as his body finally relaxes. Shakes twice. Puts himself away and moves to wash his hands in the basin. He battles with himself to avoid looking in the mirror, but ultimately loses out to that narcissistic side of him that's just dying to know what he looks like after sleeping like a log for six hours.

His reflection looks ungodly, almost as bad as Shouto. Hair an unruly mess---even more so than usual as it mats down in some places and puffs up in others. The bags under his eyes aren't as prominent, which he is definitely grateful for but all in all he looks like he got gangbanged by bad life decisions.

Which isn't entirely untrue.

"Look like a crackhead and I'm still a bad bitch. You go, Kat." He says to himself with a cynical chuckle, leaning over the basin to splash that refreshing cool water across his face.


Hands grip his waist and he sets off an explosion that breaks a piece of the basin off, head snapping up into the mirror to see Shouto standing behind him, hand clapped over his mouth to contain his laughter.

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