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And here it was, the night before the UA entrance exam. I was overhyped and couldn't get any sleep. Midnight tried to make me tired, by telling me to go jogging or doing physical exercises. But these didn't stop me. I spent the whole night on social medias, trying to forget about the important event. Everything was fine, until I got a text from the group that included me, Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima.

Meme lords

Soft Rock
Is anyone still awake?

I was surprised that Kirishima was awake at that hour. But it didn't end there.

Pika Boy

Tape dispenser

Guys? Why aren't y'all sleeping?

Soft Rock
We could ask you the same thing (y/n). We're pretty nervous about tomorrow.

Tomorrow? What's supposed to happen tomorrow?

Tape Dispenser
The UA entrance test. We're all going to UA.

Pika Boy
Yeah... Sorry that we didn't tell you earlier...

Guys, it's okay, becausE I'M GOING TO UA TOO

Pika Boy


Tape Dispenser

Soft Rock
These are great news!!! We can all see each other tomorrow.

I'm so relieved that you guys are going too... I was really nervous at the thought of meeting all those people

Soft Rock
No need to worry (y/n)! We'll stick together tomorrow and get the test together too!

I immediately got a heart squeeze from all the encouraging words.
As I relaxed myself from all the tension, the tiredness was slowly taking over. I turned my phone off and went to sleep.

Next morning

I woke up quite excited, but really confident. My training didn't go to waste. But one thing was strange, there was no nightmare that time. I didn't pay much attention to it, I got up and went to the kitchen. Midnight was already wide awake in hero hero suit.

"Good morning auntie Nemuri!" I said cheerfully.

"Good morning sunshine! I prepared for you breakfast." She smiled.

"Ah, thank you." I yawned. I ate up fast, took my pills and dashed to the bathroom. I arranged myself, and had to choose between a lot of sporty outfits.

"Hmmmmm..." I made a thinking noise and looked at each outfit. In the end, I found something sporty.

 In the end, I found something sporty

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"Let's get this bread." I smirked.

Me and Midnight sat in the car and went to UA. We had to go early, since Midnight was in the group of teachers that counted the points. The test was kept secret from me, but I knew for sure it was a practical one. Midnight told me to go in the conference hall number 1. I did as she told me. But what were we supposed to do there? I reached it and opened the doors. Only 2 or 3 people were present. The hall consisted of a big screen on a wall, and opposite of it were ascending rows of seats. I went down to the first ones. Minutes passed, and more people came in. I analysed everyone. Some of them were really confident, others seemed like they'll piss their pants. I greeted Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero when they entered, and they sat some rows higher. The surpsrise was bigger when I noticed an over-confident and mocking aura coming from a certain blonde. When I said hello, he just 'tched' and sat in the middle row. But the surpsrises didn't end there. I was really excited to see Todoroki coming through the doors. When the the seats were almost full, someone hurriedly came in.

"Izuku?" I asked loudly, making others around look at me. He excused himself and sat near Bakugo. After a few more minutes, everyone was asked to make silence. Everyone turned their attention to a yellow haired man that was standing in front of the big screen.

'Oh, so Hizashi-san will explain the test.'

Present Mic noticed me and gave me a warm smile, which sure raised suspicion in the hall. The teacher began the instruction. I was listening, when I felt that at least 4 pairs of eyes were watching me. I tried to shut the feeling away and concentrate to the explanation. We were divided in groups and were to be sent to Battle Centres. I was selected to Battle Center B, with Midoriya and Bakugo, sadly. Present Mic explained that we had to destroy robots in order to gain points.

'Pffft. Easy.' I relaxed.
Mic dismissed us all. And led us to our buses. I caught up wih Izuku and talked to him the whole way till the battle center. Bakugo, though, was reserved. He was meditating. Maybe. But from time to time I could feel daggers in my back. And I knew they were from Bakugo. When we finally arrived, we were presented in fron of tall, tall steel gates. I stretched a bit, 'cause oh boy was I going to run a lot. Others did the same, others just relied on their quirks. The gates finally opened, and the test began...

Lmao sorry for the late update. Also thank you for 400+ reads 😊 I assure y'all that the next chapter will be longer and more interesting

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