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"Mummy!" John Junior squeals, launching himself out of his chair at the table where he's eating lunch.

Polly, stands at the end of the kitchen with Henry on her hip and gently grabs my eldest's wrist before he can collide with my waist. "Easy, Johnny. Your mum had a little accident."

"What happened?" His curious eyes look to me for injury and widen when they take in the scabbed over gash on my temple.

John kneels down beside him and Polly then releases her hold on his arm. "She's going to be alright, son. But there is something we need to tell you. Mummy is going to have another baby."

Polly's hand finds its way to her mouth in shock. "Ember." She gasps. "I shoved you against the wall in the betting den and you didn't say anything?"

"You what?" John roars, turning on his Aunt and immediately taking Henry from her grasp.

"It was a simple misunderstanding." I try to calm my husband. "It's alright John."

But he's having none of it and neither is Polly. "It's isn't." Her voice is filled with shame.

"You're fucking right it isn't!" John clamors on. "You could have hurt her. People need to stop fucking attacking my wife!" He's past the point of reason, running his fingers through his hair as Henry starts to fuss in his arms.

John Junior stands in the middle of the room confused as Polly, too, starts to cry.

Trying to diffuse the tension, I reach for Henry, taking him gently from his father and kissing his light hair, tenderly cooing in his ear.

Once he's settled I look to my husband. "Grief makes us do mad things, John. Polly did me no harm and she never truly meant to hurt me, they were just words."

She looks to me quickly, clearly remembering the knife she held to my throat. I shake my head ever so slightly, telling her not to say a word. "John Dear, why don't you go put the boys in the car, I'd like to go home and get some proper rest."

He takes our sons outside and as soon as the door has clicked softly shut, Polly is wrapping her arms around me. "I am so sorry Ember girl." She apologizes.

"It's ok, Aunt Pol. To be honest, I'm a little shocked."

The look on her face is one of confusion as I give her a slight smirk. "I don't think I've ever heard you utter the word sorry before."

Polly shakes her head with a soft snort. "Don't get used to it." Her face steadies again and her right hand drops down to delicately touch my stomach. "This one's a fighter." She says, referring to the baby. "It's the gypsy in her."

"We don't know it's a girl." I say as John once again enters the house.

"Aye. Sure we do." He says. "And anyway, when's Pol ever been wrong about a baby?"

Polly looks over to her nephew. "Does this mean I'm forgiven then?"

"I suppose." He shrugs. "If Ember's not mad, guess I've got no reason to be."

"You'd do well to remember that next time we see Tommy then." I scold, hand on my hip as his boyish grin turns into a frown. "Don't pout." I snap.

He rolls his eyes as Polly's booming laugh fills the room. "I forgot how she gets when she's pregnant. Good luck, John." She pats my husband on the cheek sympathetically.

"Right. Thanks." He grumbles before turning to me. "Can we go home now, love? I don't want no fight." His hands are held up in surrender.

I feel only slightly guilty for lecturing him. "Aye, John, no fighting. Let's go home."

Honor (John/OC) Peaky Blinders FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now