06︱mall day

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(VIDA's point of view)


"DO you want to spend your entire life confined to this bed?" I heard someone ask, their voice cutting through the haze as I kept my eyes closed.

"I don't mind," I replied nonchalantly, still in the depths of relaxation.

"Get up. We're going out."

I reluctantly opened my eyes, curiosity piqued. "Where are we going?"

"To see that guy who has you glued to your phone every five seconds."

In an instant, I snapped fully awake. "Seriously?"

"No," Clyde playfully smacked me with a pillow, dispelling the anticipation. "You've been spending way too much time on your phone lately."

"That's why we're heading to the mall!" Ashley chimed in with enthusiasm.

"-and we've taken your phone," Shawn whispered into my ear mischievously.

"You took my phone?!" I exclaimed, shocked and slightly annoyed.

"And here I thought I couldn't keep secrets," Shawn deadpanned before exiting the room.

Rolling my eyes, I reluctantly parted ways with my comfortable spot and faced Clyde and Ashley. "Well...get out!"

• • •


"Shopping sucks." I muttered, my fatigue setting in after just an hour of browsing. My friends seemed to have vanished into the sea of stores, indulging in their retail therapy while I lagged behind.

I hadn't made a single purchase yet. Aimlessly wandering through Moss, I halfheartedly skimmed through clothes, hoping something would catch my eye. But, nothing did.

In an attempt to break the monotony, I found myself in the art section, absentmindedly clutching a picture frame. Lost in my own thoughts, I accidentally collided with someone, causing the frame to slip from my grasp, only to be caught by the person I bumped into.

"I'm so sorry," the girl apologized, extending the frame back to me. She had long dark brown hair and captivating brown eyes. Standing tall, she appeared younger than me.

"It's not your fault," I reassured her, returning the frame.

It seemed she was on a mission, searching for something specific. Since I wasn't making any headway with my own shopping, I offered my assistance.

"What are you looking for?" I inquired, curious to help her and divert my attention.

"I'm not sure. My brother's birthday is approaching, and I want to find him something special," she explained, a touch of determination in her voice.

Oddly enough, her words reminded me that darling's birthday was also coming up. I briefly considered getting him a gift, but I didn't want to reveal my identity too soon, nor did I know how to reach him.

"So...how old will he be?" I inquired, hoping to gather more information.

"Nineteen," she replied.

That was quite the coincidence. Katie, too, was turning nineteen. Could this girl be his sister?

Nah, that's highly improbable.

I smiled before delving further, "And what are his interests?"

"He loves to sing and write—anything that involves putting pen to paper," she disclosed.

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