Chp 25- I'II find out

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Neddy's POV

I'II find out.

"Neddy!! fucking scared me you idiotic, nerdy, beautiful, skinny, fragile,glassed child. I didn't eat my lunch because of you..I swear I was pacing around. What did we say about reporting if uu don't come to my class in lunch mmmh. You broke a rule and I got you chocolate and strawberries since eating your fruits it's healthy also with a sandwich and a box juice...aurgh damn uu child!!" Mrs Tiffany screamed while shaking my shoulders so my head just carelessly moved backwards and forwards like a comical.

She finally stopped her rant by giving me a huge hug that had me chocking for air.

"Mrs--breath---air." I said before hearing a giggle and her stepping back so I could breathe before sitting in my usual chair before I collapsed.

"I need to tell you something."

"Spill it neddy..cause if uu bullied again, I'II jump on those idiots and remove their brains." She threatened stomping her heel on the ground so it made a click sound.

"I invited--"

The door burst open and revealed a gergous female whose skin glowed like Pearls because it was Pearl herself and she stood with pride as she held the bag away from her face while eyeing it with disgust while I chuckled at her expression. Mrs Tiffany looked like a deer caught in headlights before a smirk broke on those shocked eyes.

"Pearl." I finished my sentence as Pearl closed the door making sure that her arms was stretched out so the bag was far from her face making me chuckle before Mrs Tiffany inhaled with urgency moving uncomfortably like she wanted to kneel down which made my brows Farrow.

"You didn't ask her to be in your play?" I whispered remembering how she kneeled down in front of Stephanie and Steven. Pearl slowly made her way towards us although she kept looking at the door like she wanted to escape. Mrs Tiffany looked at me blanky before noticing what I meant which furthered my suspicion of her actually being a drama director. Mrs Tiffany is an organized workaholic and did her work immediately but when I brought up her drama she would just act weirdly.

"Sorta." She answered.

"Well am here!" Pearl declared throwing her bag carelessly on the desk next to me. Mrs Tiffany raised a brow.

"Yay?" Mrs Tiffany questioned leaving to remove the lunch she told me about.

"Gosh tangible the books.." she started with horror making me pinch the bridge of my nose.


"They are empty inside...heck the is not a single written note." She said with disbelief as if she expected the notes to write themselves.

"Pearl uu do realize write something inside your books so they aren't empty." I said slowly making her eyebrows rise while Mrs Tiffany snorted.

"Well..I didn't know." She said in distress "I was never taught."

"What do uu mean?.. didn't uu know that in like Primary School?"

"Mine was definitely different."

"How different?"

"Well first of all we didn't use books..we used physical--"

Mrs Tiffany cleared her throat to stop her rant making me raise a brow at her interruption while Pearl realized something serious.

"So you were with neddy?"

"Yup we went to McDonald's..did uu know that neddy loves Spider man at this age heck his favourite colour is white." She said happily looking at Mrs Tiffany who tried to wrap her finger on how Pearl's behaviour was off or how I was actually with Pearl but I was grateful she didn't kick her out.

"Yup I knew." She said before placing the strawberries and whatever she made on my desk as I smiled a silent 'thank you'. Pearl took out a book placing it on the desk before Mrs Tiffany gave her a pen which she eyed warily.

"Do you even attend classes?"

"Who do you think I am?" Pearl asked with a snort.

"A student." Mrs Tiffany said with an eyeroll.

"Hey now I maybe a student but that doesn't mean I have to attend and have you seen how ugly this School is?, Am basically an artifact. Y'all should thank me cause I make the school beautiful rather that bold principal."

I facepalmed making both the girls laugh which brought a smile to my face. I was actually glad that they got along.

"Well let's begin then Pearl." I said adjusting my glasses "Today we'll do math."

"Why math? Out of everything you choose math." She groaned but opened the book anyway making Mrs Tiffany mumble something among the lines of why not my subject.

After Pearl's groans and Mrs Tiffany laughing her ass off, we finally made progress and updated Pearl on her notes and got her to understand a few equations.

"I can't find the x's ex..can he just move on with life bcoz heartbreaks happen."

Pearl had groaned out and moaned in complain.

"Pearl am sorry but I can't come to your place today maybe on Friday?" I informed as I packed my books preparing for Mr Christopher's class so that I was not late since we are specifically writting a test.

"Aw..what?" She asked.

"I have a job, remember." I said looking at her as she smiled adjusting her glasses nerdly making me bite my lip so I could resist the 'awww.'

"Oh yeah then tomorrow it is." She said confidently making me chuckle as she suprised me with a kiss on the cheek before leaving the class faster than lightning. I could still not get used to her suprise kisses.

"Well.. neddy's got a hot girlfriend..that he didn't tell me about. Jesus I feel so offended."

I turned to find Mrs Tiffany smirking teasingly as I felt my face heat up.


"Nah it's ok I enjoy her company." She said "plus you have a friend.. how can I not be happy."

I smirked before biting my lip unsurely.

"Are you really the drama director?"

"Well..yeah I--"

"But Mrs Tiffany--"

"I told you to call me Tiffany when we are alone."

"Oh Tiffany you're always so organized and you always talk about something exciting that you do."

Mrs Tiffany blinked before looking at me for a long time.

"Some things are better left off unsaid besides the rich always get bowed at."

That statement made me freeze. Did Mrs Tiffany ask something from them or did it seem that her admiring Isaiah Kane got over the limit.

"Is it about the snake community?"

"Oh neddy Smith you'll be late to class." She said but a spark of fear was present which only fueled my need to know more.

"Ok." I said before smiling as she drew closer to me and crushed me in one of her bear hugs.

"I love you..ok." she whispered making me feel my chest tighten "I will always protect you."

"I love you too." I said finding my voice that came out as nothing but a whisper.

And I'II find out what you're hiding.

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