101: Giant Elephant 🐘

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  The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe are now regretting it all. 

    They thought that their newly deceased Chief was already the strongest. They didn't expect that there was such a strong man in this world who could crush a large crowd at will.

   Compared with the Giant Beast in front of them, what is the Big Bear who killed their Chief? That Bear does not compared to the legs of this monster! 

    The Big Bear Tribe has such a strong person that they can't just offend them... 

     But at this time, it is too late to say anything, and the strong one can roll every one of them and crush all of them into a meat.

    The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe cried and pleaded, but it was completely useless... 

    Before Xiong Ye and others spent a lot of effort, and they killed three hundred people in the Giant Tiger Tribe and now... 

    No survivor. 

    Not only that, after killing the people it can see in front of him, the huge mammoth nose slammed, and then several trees were swept away, and start to  truggled with the surrounding dinosaurs. 

   So many people in the Giant Tiger Tribe stayed here. Most of the dinosaurs that were suitable for hunting were eaten. Only a few large dinosaurs survived, but these dinosaurs were also ravaged and escaped too late. 

  In the territory of the Giant Tiger Tribe, there is a powerful Horned Dragon. The average Horned Dragon is generally no more than 8 meters long and weighs no more than 10 tons. But it was many years ago, they don’t know why it suddenly became a lot bigger. Today, the body is over 15 meters long and weighs more than 20 tons. 

    Even the sharp corners on its head are much harder than before, and they are sharper. 

    Since it has become like this, no one has provoked it anymore. The only troublesome thing is the ordinary male Horned Dragon.

Which doesn't look so good that it hasn't given birth for years.

     Yes, this is a female Horned Dragon. 

   It was eating the grass leisurely, when suddenly there was a horrible pressure in a certain direction... This Horned Dragon frose for a while and ran away.

    However, it didn't run far, there was a Giant Beast is running towards it, it's nose slamming, and it was immediately knocked out and killed. 

      For a time, the ground was shaking. 

    Qingshan Tribe. 

    After Xiong Ye poisoning, those who are particularly anxious Qingshan Tribe: "Giant Tiger Tribe very powerful poison, stained soon be dead." 

    "Will Xiong Ye will be okay? " 

    "Beast God bless ...... " 


    The strength of Xiong Ye, they knows that his position in the Big Bear Tribe is certainly not low. If such a person has an accident... The people of the Qingshan Tribe are especially afraid that they will be angered. 

    Xiong Ye is also very worried. 

    Poison is very troublesome. Although Xiong Ye has eaten a lot of detoxifying herbs and has been squeezing out the poisonous blood, he is still worried, and he is afraid that Xiong Ye will have an accident. 

    But Xiong Ye did not have an accident, and even his face return to normal.

    "Xiong Ye, you are amazing, your not afraid of poison !" Xiong Qi said. 

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