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IT WASN'T QUITE CLEAR at first what was going on when Bakugou woke up. Face buried into your chest, and arms wrapped around each other. You were so warm, he wished he could stay like this forever. Carefully unlatching your arms from around him, he removed himself from you. His phone, now laying flat upon the ground buzzed an annoying sound, it was his alarm. "What the fuck-", he muttered annoyed as he dashed to turn it off. When he finally reached the obnoxious thing, he switched it off. He looked back at you, still stark naked, as you stirred. He threw his phone over towards his bed. He searched for new underwear.

"Katsuki." You mumbled. His head almost did a 180 to look at you. Your messy hair, exposed shoulders and back with a morning grin on your face was priceless to him. "Yeah?" He managed to scoff out, slipping his shirt on. "Good morning, idiot." You giggled and buried your face back into his pillows.

"Oi! Who are you calling idiot, you octopus!" He quipped in a loud, scratchy voice that made your knees buckle. You only laughed at his sensitivity and sat up onto the bed, stretching your uncovered limbs.

Katsuki peaked at your bare figure a few times before you noticed, "You can look at me, Kacchan. I'm yours." You mused, standing from the bed as he still kept his head turned. You hadn't noticed it before but your legs were sore from last night. You smiled remembering his sweet promise to you. You knew things would get difficult for you two at some point but you tried not to think about it too often. There was a comforting silence between you two as you slipped back on your previous clothes. You remember leaving your phone in your school bag for the night. Moving over to grab it from your bag, you smiled to yourself once more remembering Katsuki's wallpaper.

You opened the camera, and faced him. "Katsuki," an evil grin on your face began to form. With his shirt void from his chest, he turned to you muttering a low 'yes?' from his pouty lips. It was the perfect moment for you and you quickly snapped the picture and pressed 'set as wallpaper'.

The millisecond he realized what had happened, he dashed for your phone. "SKSKSK!" You squealed in panic as you b-lined for the door to escape. You barged out of the room, finding Mitsuki standing right in front of it, but close enough to get hit. She was holding your uniform out to you when you looked up at her. She smiled and yawned at you.

It took you a moment for the blush of realization to spread throughout your cheeks. Mitsuki hadn't heard anything.

"Next time, don't be so loud." Too soon, you deadpanned as she waltzed back to wherever she came from. Bakugou Katsuki emerged from the room looking like the soul left his body, "Are you kidding me, she fucking heard us." You ran your free hands through your hair, sighing.

"She was polite about it, relax." You shrugged him off with a goofy smile. He watched you with drowsy eyes as you went back into his room to apply your school uniform. Today was the day he was going to show you off to all the other lowly extras titled his 'classmates'. Stupid if you asked him. He was surprised in himself at how quickly you and him transpired. It was over the course of just a few weeks. He decided to get dressed in the bathroom.

By the time he's exited the bathroom you were already downstairs, conversing with his parents over breakfast, timidly. A huge blush spread across your face as Mitsuki asked you a mildly suggestive question. He watched as you brushed back your perfect [h/c] locks, groomed to perfection.

Yeah, today is the fucking day. His mind raved. He grabbed his bag up from the couch, impatiently dashing to the door. You turned to him noticing his haste. "What's the rush? Don't you wanna eat something?" A sweet hum erupted from your throat as you gazed at him. "What are you, my mom? I don't have to answer to you, I'm leaving." He scoffed as he turned his back and began out the door.

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