Chapter 15

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Kaitlyn's POV

He shot my dad.

"DADDY NOO," I cried out.

"BILL WHY DID YOU DO THAT," mom screamed.

"Well, I don't like Keith very much, he was trying to take what was mine so I shot him," Bill smirked.

"You're a MONSTER!" I yelled at Bill.

"Im calling 911," mom cried heading to the phone.

"Oh no you don't," Bill laughed throwing my mom to the floor.

I tried to stop the bleeding but the blood was everywhere. I checked for a pulse on my dad........I couldn't find one.

"M-Momma he's not breathing," I sobbed.

"That's the point of a dead person, idiot," Bill smiled.

Bill came over to my dads dead body and dragged him to the storage closet.

"Now until I can figure out what to do with the body, it will stay in here," Bill ordered, "and nobody calls the police or tells anyone about this. Are we clear?"

"Yes," my mom sighed.

I didn't want to say what I was feeling, because that would've gotten me killed. I gotta find some way to tell the cops.

"And by not tell anyone I mean the Lunch family down the street," Bill growled looking at me.

"They're the Lynch's. Do I have to spell it out for you L-Y-N-C-H. LYNCH!" I snapped.

Bill walked toward me but stopped, and gritted his teeth.

"You're lucky i'm a nice person. I will save your beating for tomorrow," Bill grumbled, "i'm going to bed. Melinda you have 20 minutes, and you better be upstairs."

Bill disappears into the master bedroom and he closes the door. I curl up into a ball and cry.

My mom comes over and hugs me. She tells me everything will be okay but I don't believe her.

"Sweetheart we'll get out of this somehow," she whispers, "Now I have to go upstairs, try to get some sleep."

"Goodnight mom," I whisper. She kisses me on the head then walks upstairs. I need to tell someone.......Riker!

I grab my phone and head up to my room. Then I realize something, gunfire is a very loud noise. Did anyone hear that ?

I forget about that thought and I go into my room and lock the door. I dial Riker's number and it rings for a bit.

~~~~Phone Convo.~~~~

Riker: Hey

Kaitlyn: Riker I need you

Riker: What's wrong?

Kaitlyn: I can't explain it over the phone can you come over?

Riker: I will be over in 5.

~~~~End of Convo~~~~

No more than 5 minutes later I hear a tap on my balcony door. Man he doesn't hesitate on time.

I open the door to find an out of breath Riker. I invite him in and he sits down on my bed, trying to catch his breath.

"What's wrong," Riker says out of breath.

"It's been a rough day," I cry.

Riker pulls me into a hug and rubs my back.

"What happened," he asked.

"My real dad showed up today," I sobbed. Riker's eyes go wide and he gives me a confused glance.

"Why is that bad?" he questions.

"It wasn't he was really nice until......Bill shot him," I cry.

"Like s-shot him dead," Riker stutters. I nod yes in reply to question and his eyes get wider.

"He's in the storage closet downstairs," I cry.

"I can't believe that happened," Riker whispered.

I was gonna say something but was interrupted by my door flying open.


"I-I didn't tell him," I lie.

Bill gives me an evil glare and he advances toward Riker. Bill pushes me to the ground and he picks Riker up by his shirt.

"I never did like you," Bill grumbles. In a quick flash Bill pulls out his pocket knife.

"Please don't hurt him," I cry. Bill just laughs.

"Since when do I take orders from you," Bill mumbled.

Before I can say anything else I hear Riker scream out in pain. Bill drops let's go of him and Riker falls to the floor.

A pool of blood starts to form under Riker, and he isn't moving much.

"Riker don't leave me," I cry. I hurry and apply pressure to his stab wound, then I call 911.

I hope the paramedics get here in time. I can't lose Riker, I love him to much.

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