Part 7

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My alarm clock went off at 4:45 am and I groaned.

I kicked the covers off and sat on the edge of my bed contemplating if this job is actually worth it or if it was total shit.

Then I reminded myself that I definitely needed and wanted this job so I stood, stretched, and walked blurry-eyed to the bathroom and proceeded to start my daily routine.


I was just about to apply some lipstick when my phone started ringing and for a moment I thought it was my grandma and I felt excited to tell her about my new apartment and my new job...

But then I remembered why I was in Dallas and my heart ached. She was in a better place and I knew that...but I missed her like hell and wished I had my best friend back.

After all, it wasn't like I could exactly call my ex-boyfriend who happens to still be in love with me and tell him all about my hot boss...

And then my mind was brought back to the present and my still ringing phone and how it was 6:26 in the morning...

Who could be up this early, let alone calling people?

I looked at the caller ID and saw a number I wasn't familiar with but I answered anyway.


"Genevieve, good morning. On your way into work, grab me a coffee: medium, dark roast with three sugars and one creamer. I'll see you in 30," he stated in a no-nonsense tone and then hung up.

I thought about saving his number under 'Dominating Dom' and chuckled but decided against it just in case he ever saw it. Instead, I went with 'Dominic Blackstone'. Plain and boring, everything I had a feeling he was not.

It was smart of me to have woken up earlier than needed, I guess. I was basically ready to go but that extra stop would have me cutting it close.


I was rushing into the office at 7:08 with two coffees in a drink carrier in one hand and a bag of muffins in the other.

"Good morning, Dariah," I exclaimed as I rushed past her to the elevator, all while still trying not to trip in my heels. I couldn't afford a mishap of that proportion on a day like this.

She was looking down at her phone in one hand with a cup of coffee in the other but I heard her mumble out a, "Morning".

I pressed the button for the elevator and when it finally arrived, I stepped inside, pressing my floor number.

"Hold the elevator," someone yelled so I stuck my bag of muffins in between the doors, stopping them before they shut.

Jeremy rushed into the elevator and gave me a smile, "Good morning, Gen. I assume the interview went well if you're here at the butt crack of dawn."

I chuckled and Jeremy pushed 12 on the elevator panel. I noticed that his cheeks were flushed from overexertion but his eyes were bright with excitement.

He cleared his throat and his smile fell as he looked at my hands, "Is all of this for him?"

I re-adjusted the drink carrier in my hand, "Uh, not all of it. I didn't have time to fix breakfast so half of this is mine. I didn't realize I'd get a 'coffee run' phone call this morning before breakfast so I'm late and I'm hungry," I pouted at him.

He laughed, "Oh yeah, that's probably the one and only phone call that he'll give you. Now you know his order so he'll expect you to get that every morning," he looked at his watch and raised his eyebrows, "Nine minutes late... Not a very good impression on your first day if I'm being honest."

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