Episode 76: Natsu VS Ace

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(*Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston*)

Wiz: In ancient times, the Greeks believed anything could be made of four elements: Earth, Air, Water, and the most difficult to control, Fire.

"Yeah it's hard not to burn anything when you have a semblance that engulfs you in fire" Yang said

"Or Weiss burning a forest initiation" Ruby said 

"Hey!" Weiss said

Boomstick: But these two combatants have mastered the art of playing with fire. Natsu Dragneel, the Dragon Slaying Mage of the Fairy Tail guild.

"Now that's an awesome name!" Yang said

Wiz: And Portgas D. Ace, the feared pirate known as Fire Fist.

" That's the same place where Zora is from"  Ruby said

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.


(*Cues: Fairy Tail Main Theme Slow Version (Erhu Cover)*)

Wiz: In his infancy, Natsu Dragneel was a pretty normal child living in a pretty normal village.

Boomstick: And then a bunch of dragons toasted the town and killed everybody, including him. The End.

"Okay I'm pretty sure that's not exactly what happened" Weiss said

"Kinda sad though it's like a village being destroyed by the Grimm" Ruby said

The Death Battle transition is shown.

(*Cues: Fairy Tail (2014) - Eclipse Gate*)

Wiz: Almost. Fortunately, Natsu's older brother, Zeref, survived. Horrified by the violent fate of his family, Zeref desperately sought a way to revive Natsu. Eventually, he discovered the connections between life, death, and magic and became obsessed.

"Uh oh that's not good being that obsessed with the supernatural can only mean one thing" Yang said

"What's that?" Blake said

"A villian in the making" Yang responded

Boomstick: And so, he became the most evil and powerful mage ever. Cursed to live forever and ruin everyone's lives. But everything worked out, I guess, because he brought Natsu back. Just one catch: Natsu had to be revived as a demon, though this gave him the potential to become even more powerful than Zeref.

"How does that work?" Weiss said

Wiz: Unfortunately, Zeref had become incredibly dangerous to be around. Fearing for his brother's safety, he left Natsu in the care of his friend, Igneel, who just so happened to be the Fire Dragon King.

"He has a dragon for a dad? That's awesome!" Yang said

(*Cues: Fairy Tail (2014) - Dragon Fight*)

Boomstick: Natsu got adopted by a freakin' dragon? Kinda weird since a dragon killed him in the first place and his family, but whatever. Dragon Dad ended up teachin' little Natsu Dragon Slayer Magic, a school of mystical martial arts developed specifically to kill dragons. Wait, man, that's really back and forth with these dragons, isn't it.

" it is kinda unusual that a dragon destroyed his village and his adopted dad is also a dragon" Weiss said

Wiz: Regardless, Igneel eagerly accepted his role as adoptive father. He taught Natsu how to read, write and fight. But then, when Natsu came of age,

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