Don't Do It, Its a Trick

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After driving around for a while they came across a graveyard. Frank parked the car and walked without saying a word. Lena followed him without saying a word. She was giving him respect and space.

The two stopped when they came across three graves. Each had the word "Castle" in bold. Frank stood there, he twitched his lips, blinking his eyes quickly. 

Lena set her hand on his shoulder, "F-Frank." she tried to make eye contact but he wouldn't budge. She sighed, "Frank, I'm sorry."

He shook his head and his lips twitched again. "N-no."

She sighed again and slipped her hand into Frank's. He didn't deny her but he didn't hold her hand back. He just stood there. He was there physically but he wasn't there mentally.

By the time they got back, it was early in the morning. Frank and Lena had noticed that Amy had shot at someone. The two looked at each other, Frank pulled out his gun and walked the perimeter but then saw Madani and Curtis asleep on the couch.

"Kid! It's me, Frank." He yelled before barging in.

Amy came up to him, "Frank, she wants to arrest you." She pointed at Madani as Lena rolled her eyes.

"Yea, I know kid." Frank sat down at the table and poured himself a cup of whiskey.

Lena sat down in the chair next to him and poured herself a cup of whiskey. She looked at the couch Moritz died on and she poured some more. Then she looked at the dent in the wall and she went to pour more but Frank put his hand in the way. 

"We were all waiting for you two," Madani said.

Frank sighed, "I had a chat with my wife last night."

"What she say?" Curtis mumbled.

Frank took a sip of the whiskey and continued, "I stood by her grave and I realized that I was always who I am today. But she loved me anyway." He held the plastic cup and moved it back and forth, making the liquor swish around. "I always thought that once they died, I became like this." 

Lena touched Frank's hand but he didn't realize it. 


They pulled up at an apartment where it was rumored some of Billy's men were staying. The two got out of the car and walked to the side. Frank shot a man who was getting into a car and then two men came out of the side door which was quickly killed by Lena.

Frank went to the man who was getting into the car and searched him, he found his phone. He turned it on and used the man's fingerprint to unlock it. 

"What are you looking for?" Lena asked but got no response. 

Instead of answering, Frank went to the gallery and found a picture of a woman wearing a shirt that said "Mr. Big Man Bar". 

"We gotta go," Frank mumbled.

Lena looked at the man and his thumb. She pulled out her knife and cut the man's thumb off, then followed after Frank.


When they got to the bar Frank opened the door and so did Lena, "No." Frank said.

"Why you might need my help," Lena said.

"It's just to get a question answered, I'll be back soon." Frank shut his door as Lena got back in the car and waited.

She waited for about five minutes before she heard gunshots. She reached for the handle but was stopped when Frank came around the corner.

"What was that?" she asked.

"Some bounty hunters."

A questioned expression appeared on her face. "Why are you killing bounty hunters."

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