Ch. 21

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"Boss, Mrs Parker is in the lobby, having a heated discussion with the security guard. I suggest you go get her."

Tony shoved the stack of papers away, running his hand through his hair. "Okay. Stay calm, don't freak out."

"I am calm, Boss. I appreciate the concern."

He could hear the amusement in the AI's voice.

"Yeah yeah. Real funny. Any ideas on how to escape a murderous italian aunt that already isn't my biggest fan?"


"So helpful."


The instant he stepped out of the elevator, a small Italian whirlwind descended on him in the form of one May Parker.

"Tony! Is he okay? Is he awake? Where is he? Have you found the person who did it? Did you-"

"May, calm down, okay? It won't help either of you for you to be panicking when you see him."

She took a deep breath, the word flow stopping. "Okay, okay I'm calm."

Seconds later she grabbed his arms, eyes wide. "Tony I'm not calm. That's my baby in that room, how can I just act like it didn't happen?"

"May, for starters you can give your boy a hug, and tell him how everyone else is asking about him. I have no doubt that Ted has been asking about him."

The brunette's mouth quirked upwards. "Only twenty times in the last hour. Somehow he knew that Peter was hurt before I did. And it's Ned, Tony. You know this."

Tony's eyes widened slightly. Ned knows? "Uh- Peter told me that he tried to call Ned first, seeing as that's the area he was in. Apparently he was close to Ned's house."

Please believe the bald faced lie I just told you.

May seemed to relax, eyes closing briefly. "Thank you, Tony."

He stiffened. "Me? For- for what?"

"For taking care of him when I can't," she whispered. "I admit, I had my doubts about you. But I know you love that boy more than life itself."

Her eyes met his, as if daring him to disagree. "You're his father, Tony. And I'm glad I have a coparent to figure things out with."

"Okay." He was surprised to find that his mind had eased.

Somehow May Parker had that effect.

If you weren't terrified of her, you were in awe of her.


Both is good.

Tony smiled. "Thank you."

"On that note," she added. "I want to see my boy."

Peter was dozing on his side, one hand curled under his chin.

His eyelashes fluttered softly, and he smiled tiredly as the two walked in.

"Hi Aunt May. 'M sorry for scaring you."

The woman bent down to kiss his forehead. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"We will be having a talk about this, Peter." Tony interjected.

About everything.

The teen's eyes widened almost imperceptibly. "O- Okay. Yeah. Okay."

"I'll... leave you two to talk. I can check up with Happy, I guess."

He stood up, but paused as the teen instinctually reached out, then pulled his hand back, looking slightly ashamed.

"You good, Pete?"

Peter nodded softly, staring at the blanket. "Yeah. 'S fine."

Tony glanced at May, who shrugged, her eyes worried. Talk to him, she mouthed.

"I don't think that Happy is in the best of moods right now." He pretended to sound unsure. "Would you mind if I stayed, May?"

There was a slight flicker of relief on Peter's face that vanished almost instantly.

"Course not," May said easily. "We can scold him together."

Peter winced.

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