Make Your Choice, Raven

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Raven fully unsheathed her sword and Y/N instantly had Witcher Traum drawed and into its scythe mode.

Y/N: Your a murderer Raven. You and your little tribe do nothing but that.

Raven: Do you honestly think I left by choice?!

Y/N: I don't know what to think anymore. I just helped to win a war and now I have to stop another one. In less than a year. So, I'll give you one last time. Make your choice, Raven.

The two stared each other down for a couple more seconds before Raven sheathed her sword with a sigh. Y/N lowerd Witcher Traum.

Raven: Fine, I'll come. But, don't think I'll be staying.

Y/N: If things go how Oz says they will. I don't think you'll have a choice.

Raven: Well, we'll just have to see about th-

Vernal: Raven! Grimm have broken through the gates.

Raven: What?! How?!

Vernal: I don't know!

Raven: This has Salem written all over it.

Y/N: Then let me handle it.

Vernal: Are you an idiot! We're overrun!

Y/N: Watch me.

Y/N walked past Vernal and swung Witcher Traum onto his shoulder. The camp was overrun by Grimm. It was indeed Salem that planned this. A Beowolf turned and charged Y/N. He cut it in half with a smooth swing. The rest of the Grimm snapped their heads towards.

Y/N: Of course. The moment I think my job is hard enough.

The Grimm charged Y/N, ignoring the tribe members. Back flipping away from an Ursa landing on the back of another Beowolf, Y/N cut its head off. Switching Witcher Traum back to its pistol mode. The huntsman dispatched a few more Grimm before reloading. He activated his abyssal eye as he was forced to use his semblance to dodge a charging Ursa. Flashing through handseals, he slammed his hand into a Beowolf's back.

Y/N: Dark Style: Grimm Combustion!

The Beowolf combusted from the inside out, causing about 5-10 more Grimm in the area to follow suit. Quickly turning around, he lifted up Witcher Traum and pointed it at another Ursa coming straight for him. He pulled the trigger, but Y/N's eyes widened as instead of a bullet coming out. There was nothing but a click. However, the Ursa was shot in the side of the head. The force being so strong, it launched it off the ground before it disintegrated. Y/N reloaded Witcher Traum and attempted to find the bullet's location.

Cross: Your an idiot, ya know that?

Y/N: Cross? How'd you know I was here?

Cross: Simple. Followed the gunshots.

Y/N: You shouldn't have come. I needed to do this alone.

Cross: That's the same thing you said back at Echo's Gap and do you remember how that went?

Y/N: That was months ago.

Flashback- 5 Months Ago

Outside a White Fang outpost, nicknamed Echo. Sat four figures. All ex-ninja.

Y/N: Remember the plan?

Cross nodded his head as he prepared Black Jade for recon. Kisame grinned as he closed the clamps on the metal plating now replacing the bandages on Samehada. Last but not least, Itachi. Using a simple katana.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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