Chapter 5.5: Where There's Smoke...

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Yeah, I realized that other than the smoke powers and outfit, there's like...nothing at all from infamous. Hell, Delson isn't even naturally a smoke conduit, he got that shit from Hank. Guess what though? I'm gonna fix that.

In my own...special way.

Nobody's POV

An explosion at a bank vault, officers rushing to the situation, and heroes behind them. Reports state that the perpetrator is fueled by smoke, shirtless, and seemingly immune to physical attacks. Bullets don't work. Grenade shrapnel doesn't work, but the force of the explosion does. The police surrounding the bank are trying their hardest to keep the perp from getting away. Keyword being trying. His hands are like guns, shooting down officers as he makes a break for it, trying his best to escape with the money. He can fire missile-like projectiles capable of destroying cars. He has increased strength, being strong enough to punch through an armored officers helmet. Worst of all, he's an escaped convict. Apparently he escaped from a military transport vehicle with two others, though, how he did so is unknown.

Turning into a cloud of smoke, he dashed through alleys, over rooftops, through vents, and in between moving cars, making his way to the pier, and more importantly, the warehouses.



Well, new home. You're rusty, guards circle you during the night and workers swarm you during the day, and you smell like seawater, but at least here, you bring me food.

...I should probably stop referring to a warehouse as a living thing. I'm pretty sure my sanity is going...well, that's to be expected. I'm technically homeless, cops hunt me, people are scared of me because of the lies the so-called 'heroes' tell them, and I have to steal damn near everything just to meet the basic needs of survival. The thugs, dealers, mobsters, and small-time villains I have to take care of aren't helping either. After all, nobody likes getting shot at, and if they do, they have something seriously wrong with them.

("Wow (Y/N), You just gonna kinkshame people like that?"
(Y/N): "Yes.")

Well, at least this life has some upsides. I don't have to listen to my parents (because they're dead) or do chores.


I never said it had a lot of upsides. And the upsides suck. Still upsides though. Gotta think positively, or else you turn into murderous monster of society who eats babies, kicks puppies, is a Karen, and makes trains delay when you know that there are several people who are late for things outside of their control and if they are late one more time they'll lose their job.

Well, me living this sort of life is my fault. I could've just went to school, graduated, and gotten a job like normal people instead of...this. Least with a normal job you can run away from explosions like that one...


Crawling out of my little base in the rafters via a hole in the roof to see a one big cloud of smoke coming from the bank, and one smaller cloud moving towards my warehouse. Arming myself with my chain, a knife, and boots with hidden blades in the soles, I lower myself to the ground and sneak through the workers to see what the cloud actually is. Seems the workers saw it first, as they all were running away, not even caring about some random kid being there.

The cloud formed into a man, one with tattoos all over his arms and what looks like a prison jumpers pants. An inmate?

(Y/N): "Oi, jackass.

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