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      A THICK TENSION filled the air as the three people in the office stayed silent

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      A THICK TENSION filled the air as the three people in the office stayed silent. Deborah kept her eyes on her brother, as they both examined one another, while Tommy flicked his gaze between the two. No one knew what to say, still startled from what had happened only moments ago.

"Deb, how do you know Mr. Solomans?" Tommy finally broke the silence.

"He's my brother." The women gulped, turning to look in the sky blue eyes of her lover. "My eldest brother."

"You're a fucking Soloman." Tommy said, voice deep and threatening.

Deborah nodded slowly, her heart thumping in her chest. It was all so sudden, being back in Camden Town, seeing Lily and now her brother standing before her eyes. The look of disbelief on Tommy's face had her heart breaking, she never wanted him to know of her family.

"Alright mate, how about we all sit down and have a nice chat?" Alfie's voice broke the intense stare between the lovers. "Haven't seen my sister in nearly twenty years, I deserve a bloody explanation."

Tommy held her gaze for a second, before turning and sitting back down in the seat across from Alfie. Deborah soon followed and took the seat to his left, while eyeing him when she noticed the slight flinch of pain from him.

"Well...who wants to begin?" Alfie questioned, stroking his beard. "I'll go. I'd like to know where my lovely sister has been after all these years."

"If I tell you, whatever deal you made with Tommy stays the same." Deborah warned, knowing her brother's tricks. "Alfie."

"You have my word, pebble." Alfie agreed, leaning back in his chair and gestured for her to begin.

"I've been living in Birmingham. The Shelby family took me in when I ran away." Deborah explained. "I've been working for them -"

"You're a fucking Peaky." Alfie cut her off. "You ran off to work for gypsy scum?"

"You know damn well why I ran away." Deborah hissed, crossing her arms. "The Shelby's were kind enough to take me in."

"We were gonna stop him but then you ran away and fucked everything up." The older man revealed, staring at his sister. "We had a plan to take over the business and get him out of our lives."

"I fucked up everything?" The brunette glared, neck going red with anger. "I spent two years getting the shit kicked out of me every day. I was a nine year old who had to clean her own blood off her bedroom floor, after her father decided to punish her with his belt."

"Deb." Tommy murmured, reaching over to grab her shaking hands.

"No Tommy, he needs to hear this." She growled. "Two years of my life I spent littered in slashes, cuts, bruises - everything. I still have scars on my back from some of his worst beatings."

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