Volume 02 Chapter 14

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I'm in.

Two months passed by, she had convinced the Count of Zoncheng to cancel the engagement after a week of their secret talk, making the prince owed her a favor.

Now, in a certain town, miles away from the Chang's Capital, she's managing a little dining bar she owned after running away from her home.

She used that favor she had received from the pedo-prince to let her escape and live a comfortable life away from the capital.

She's enjoying her peaceful life when suddenly a familiar sound breaks that tranquility.


[Side Tasks 7: Runaway, My Fair Maiden!

Description: Escape from the pursuers sent by the Capital.

Reward for Completion: 10 per day (Until Captivity of the Host)

Penalty for Failure: None]

What the-?

She didn't have time to ponder it as some soldiers breaks into her bar and a man points at her.

"That's the woman you're looking for!"

She saw the leader compared her face in the drawing before ordering his men.

"Apprehend the criminal."

The bulky soldiers immediately moved to capture her.

Your sister! What's happening here?!

Fortunately, her costumers from that time were her loyal patrons made of strong martial artists and mercenaries, hindering her pursuers to buy some time for her to escape.

After escaping, she flees from one place to another until she settled down to a certain town.

And when she thought that she'd lost her pursuers and resumed to her peaceful life, she saw them lurking around the town and asking for her whereabouts making her flee again to another town.

This situation keeps repeating for a year until she was captured in an isolated village she had been hiding for three months.

She had let her guard down after three months of not seeing her pursuers. When she thought she could resume her peaceful and tranquil life, she's finally captured when she's cooking dinner within her house.

Looking at a certain little devil she hadn't seen for a year, standing in front of her door whose face has a dark raging storm, she tries to flee again by escaping at her back door.

"Capture her."

As she's about to near the door, it suddenly opens and a group of soldiers walked in and seize her arms, pulling her back to the approaching little devil.

"Let go of me! Let g- Ah!"

The two soldiers threw her and a pair of foreign but also familiar arms encircled around her waist, plastering her body's back to his chest.

As she was about to struggle, it was suddenly put into stop when she felt a cold soft lips in her nape and a hot breath brushing her skin.

"Try to escape again and see how I'll settled you."

Hearing his threat and his slightly familiar voice that had became deep and alluring, her body became rigid and started shivering for some unknown reason.

"Leave us."

She heard him ordering his soldiers. After a while, they were the only ones left inside her house.

She can feel him breathing in her neck as he placed his head on her shoulders while his arms around her waist are tightening in every second.

When she felt her waist was about snap, his arms loosen a bit and his calm voice was heard after.

"Why did you left?"

She didn't answer. She didn't even know how to answer that question.

"Why did you left me?"

In his second question, she can a slight tremble in his tone but she brush it off and thought of it as her imagination. She replied his question in a cold tone.

"Fifth Young Master Qing, please be mindful of your own words as it will lead some misleading thoughts to some people who might heard it."

All of the sudden, she can feel her world spin as she came face to face with an angry Qing Xianfeng who looks like he wants to eat her whole.

"Misleading thoughts? Your worried about some people misunderstanding us? But you didn't care about those people talking about an unfamiliar man whose coming in and out of your house!"

She was shocked. How did he know about it?

As if he knows what she was thinking, he sneered.

"I had some people monitoring you these past months and let them keep tailing you until I arrived."

For these past three months, she became quite close with some villagers and met an honest man named Li Feng. He's popular to the villagers especially to some unmarried girls and because of that, she let him court her.

Even so, she didn't know why she couldn't accept him even with all his efforts until she became guilty and decided to reject his advances, offering him only of her friendship. Li Feng didn't mind and accept it.

As she became friends with him, she let him into her house. While cooking, she'll listen to his stories until he talk about a certain girl he met in his hunt. Hearing this, she became happy when she knew that Li Feng had finally met his destined one.

While she's in deep thoughts, she felt a tug in her arms, pulling her to the open bedroom.

She felt a bad premonition when she saw his strange act and started to struggle.

"Let go!"

He didn't listen and shove her to the bed. She felt her heart racing.

This situation.

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