36 : I F*cking Know You

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The next day speeds by quickly. Jokes. It's agonisingly slow. We go to a show at the theatre at 5pm and I sit beside Auntie Helen and Kath in the dark. I'm glad they didn't tell me to sit with Sylv.

It reminds me of the time Scott took me to the theatre. Never anywhere near Cedar Creek. People gave us odd looks, but I thought they were just jealous. I liked the attention. Now it makes me cringe.

After the theatre, we go to dinner. Everyone is beaming. Auntie and Uncle particularly. We don't usually go to such fancy restaurants – maybe they're just keen on food?

Everyone orders drinks, except Sylv and I. Sylv gets a coke and I order a virgin mojito. We cheers and clink our drinks, take a long sit then wait in silence. Auntie Helen clears her throat.

"We have some exciting news," she says, effervescent.

Uncle Pete smiles, starring only at me.

My face goes still.

"We've always been so blessed to have you with us, Rose. We know that things are going to change soon, and you'll be going to university and growing up into the fine young lady you've become. And we know that we've grown a lot, too, through the years. We decided, after a lot of debating," she looks lovingly towards Uncle Pete, "to have a baby."

Kath cheers. My jaw drops. A baby?

"I'm nine weeks today," Helen adds.

Wow. How did I not notice? My head spins a little. I'm too caught up in my own world to feel the slightest bit of happiness. It'll come, I tell myself. I just need to shake off all the negative energy.

I look to my Uncle and Aunt and give them the biggest smile I can muster.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Kath asks.

"We're thinking a boy," Uncle and Auntie grin together.

The rest of the night discussing the wonder baby rolls by in a blur.




In the small elevator, Sylv and I stand on opposite sides. "You don't seem happy about the baby," he says.

"Of course, I am. I'm not jealous, if that's what you're suggesting. I'm glad they're starting a family of their own. If it weren't for me, maybe they'd already have had one," I ramble, "if I didn't lump myself onto them to escape my grandfather."

He sighs. "You've been off this whole trip. What is it?"

I mentally pray to God for a distraction. For something to stop us from speaking. My prayers aren't answered – instead, like a slap in the face, the elevator stops suddenly. Is that a sign to tell him?

"F*ck," we both grumble in unison.

We both leap forward to press the call button. It buzzes for a moment and a lady answers through the speaker.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"The bloody lift stopped," Sylv says.

"We'll be right on it, don't panic." The static stops as she hangs up on us.

"Lucky neither of us are claustrophobic," I joke.

"Don't change the subject. What aren't you telling me?"

"Honestly there's been so much on my mind lately, it's just a bunch of scribbles in my brain-"

"Rose, I know you better than anyone. Anyone. You can't lie to me."

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