Chapter 12

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There was disparity between me and Lena and it was clearly obvious. I tried to tell her, but every time I do try, it's like she knows what I'm going to say to her. She just completely cuts me off and tells me to leave.

I don't know why she does, maybe it's just a complete and utter coincidence. I'm prepared to just say it now. I think it's time. I really do.

About thirty minutes later, Alex called me. She told me that Lillian and Lex Luthor has escaped from prison, yet again. Great. Now I have to confront Lena, and she does not want that. I know from the thousands of times she's told me.


A week has past and Lillian and Lex are nowhere to be found. I still haven't told Lena. She's been isolating herself ever since that day between us. It's been been hard, staying away from her, but I need to respect her wishes, you know?

Considering how long it's been since Lillian and Lex have escaped, I'm sure Lena knows by now. It's been National City's only thing to talk about. Everyone is scared, and if I'm honest so am I. They're capable of anything, who knows what they'll do.

I've spent all day at the DEO trying to track Lillian and Lex, whilst also fighting some rogue aliens. But they're still nowhere to be found.

Nothing had been found for the next week. Lena still wasn't in work, so I told myself enough of the distance, I'm calling her.

She didn't pick up so I left a voicemail.

"Hey, Lena. I know I'm the last person you want speak to right now but I just wanted to check up on you. I'm guessing you've heard about Lillian and Lex. I'm so sorry.

I know we're not not on the best terms but if you need someone, I'm here. Always. Things will be okay soon, I promise.

- Kara"

Days and days pass but still no call from Lena, not even a text message. So instead, I called Jess. She would know, surely.

"Hey Jess."

"Hello Miss Danvers, how can I help you?"

"Kara please, and I'm actually looking for Lena. Has she checked in with your or L-Corp? Anything at all? Has she said she's going anywhere?"

"Indeed she has, Kara, she came here with her mother and some other man. Not sure who the man was, however. I'm sure you'll recognise him, I'll send some footage over to you. They also said they was going to a place called 'Shelley Island. I'm not familiar though. Also the footage has sent."

"Thanks Jess, means a lot. Bye now."

After I ended the call I looked at the footage and started panicking, I needed to get to the DEO as soon as possible. I flew over as fast as I could.

"ALEX! ALEX! WHERE IN RAO'S NAME ARE YOU?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Kara calm down what is it? What's wrong?" Alex tried reassuring me but it was barely working.

"They have her Alex. Lillian and Lex. They have Lena." I struggled to breathe. "They have Lena. We need to get her, now, please we need to get her."

I showed her the footage Jess sent to me.

"Where are they?"

"They're at Shelley Island. We need to go, Alex. Please." I begged.


I overheard Lex and Lillian speaking about planning to kill Supergirl. She's always the target, it's horrible.

"Alright so we're doing this, yes, mother?"

"Of course, my darling Lex. Let's end this, forever."

I got up from the ground and walked over to them, there was a huge wall full of plans. Tubs of Kryptonite. When they said they're going to kill Supergirl, they meant it. Oh wait, they're Luthors after all.

"You're really doing this then, huh? Defaming your enemies? That's despicable." I scowled at my mother and brother.

"We're Luthors, honey. The Supers have done nothing but bad. Superman is gone, now it's time for Supergirl. Don't you think?" Lillian told me with a smirk on her face.

"It's stupid."

"That's where you're wrong, sis. You're going to help us. Whether you like it or not." Lex grabbed my arm with no regret.

"Lena, the love I have for you is real, you should know that. We're doing this for our family. For all of us."

I laughed. "If you loved me, you would've showed it when I walked into your house. If I knew what I was getting into, I wouldn't of had choice with what happened that day."

And that's when it all went pitch black.


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