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After Mason found out that we are expecting he started looking up midwives, hospitals and such, trying to see what would be the best option for baby and me. It was quite adorable actually, seeing him call multiple facilities, pacing around the house as he questions them on how their practice works and how well they do things, running his fingers through his hair in frustration when each facility didn't meet up to his high standards. He looked like the worried mother of a sick child. I also wasn't allowed to leave the house for any reason, even if I had to pee he was standing outside the bathroom door, pressed up against it.

Hes obviously way more protective than he has ever been before, which is saying a lot.

Mason said we need to have our baby at home with a midwife because there's no telling what our little angel will look like. He said a half angel, half human is called a Nephilim, and hes not sure what it will look like when born, so he wants this to be a private affair.

To be frank it hadn't even occured to me that this creation growing deep within me would be different, but it will be. If it were just me and the ones I love it wouldn't matter, but I'm afraid of how the rest of the world will react, not for my sake, but for my baby's.

"Clarke." Mason sighs scooping me up in his arms and carefully carrying me to the couch, treating me like I'm some priceless doll that could break with the smallest movement. Worry lines form on Mason's forehead as he runs calloused fingers through his tousled hair.

"I can't do this." He grumbles sitting down on the end of the couch where my feet lay, absent mindedly rubbing one of my swollen feet. Geez, no wonder my feet have been aching.  I didn't think that would happen til later in the pregnancy.

"Can't do what?" I inquire, brushing my fingertips down his beefy chest, trying to calm his mind.

"Jansen wants me to go on a business trip."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, "so? We've gone on plenty of business trips." Mason and I were extremely lucky to not only have the same job but also be able to always work together, business trips and all. I just don't understand how this one could be any different? Maybe Mason is concerned about me flying while pregnant? Not that it would be a big deal, I mean as long as I'm not about to pop I should be fine.

"Not us, Clarke. Me."

My eyebrows raise in realization, "Oh..."

Mason rises from the couch, facing away from me as he tugs at his hair in frustration, "I told him I can't, and he said that if I didn't he'd.."

"He'd what?" I ask after a moment of silence, unconsciously placing a hand on my small belly.

"He said he fire me." A sigh escapes my worried husband as his body slumps. Wow, Jansen was usually very easy going and willing to conform to our preferences of working together, why on Earth he would threaten Mason with taking his only form of income away if I came is a mystery to me. Especially since he knows we're going to be expanding our family soon.

"How long is the trip?" I ask, careful as to how he's going to react.

"A month. And whole freaking month. One ninth of your pregnancy, a time when I should be here for you!" Mason's voice progressively gets harsher towards himself as he tugs the hardest I've ever seen on his poor hair. I jump up from my seat and wrap my arms around his lean waist trying to comfort him. I know what this is about, the last time Mason left me for more than a day is when I almost died.  He's worried history will repeat itself, one way or another.

At the contact made between me and him, his strong fingers leave his hair to gently yet firmly grasp my arms as I shush him. "I'll be okay, nothing will happen to me. Dominique is nowhere near us, we're safe."

At the mention of his name, Mason lets out a harsh snarl, turning in my grasp to shove my head into his chest, holding me protectively. The corners of my mouth turn down instinctively when I feel moisture on my cheek from his shirt, illuding to the tears he's shed worrying over my safety.

Without a word I place my hand on the back of Masons neck and try to kiss away his tear streaks, which he immediately tries to wipe away and hide from me, trying to seem strong. If he only knew how strong he is.

"It's only a month, you can call me whenever you need and I'll keep up life here till you get back." Mason starts to argue with me but I cut him off, "And I can have dad stay over while you're gone, just to make sure I'm not alone." He still stares at me.with uncertainty. I press my forehead against his to really drive my point home, "We need to keep our jobs. It's not just us we're supporting now." At that Mason clamps his mouth shut, sadly noding his head in agreement.

"I just need to tweak your plan a little," he starts, a loving glint in his glossy eyes, "I want you to quit your job."

I'm confused as I open my mouth to talk but he cuts me off this time, "I want you to stay home with our little angel. Just think about it; me coming home from work to you, barefoot and pregnant as you cook at the stove. My face isn't big enough for the smile I'm sporting because the love of my life is raising OUR children. And then my smile just gets even bigger when our two year old wobbles in shouting out for Daddy." A dreamy smile etched in his face as he finishes. All signs of worry gone at the prospect of our little family.

I think for a moment, that does sound pretty good to be honest. I've always wanted to stay home with my babies, I just never thought I'd get the chance in this economy. But with Mason's job and how far up in the company he's made it I know he could support all of us and even a few more, extremely comfortably.

"Let me think on it." I grin. Mason smiles, knowing he has me.

Completing Him |Sequel to Guarding HerWhere stories live. Discover now