Chapter 4

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Finally. We were there. I was there. We'd done it. I'd done it. It seemed almost surreal, the strong wind ruffling my pelt, howling in my ears as if it were cheering me on— or warning me. Clouds watched in the sky, eager to see the fight that would no doubt take place. Let them. Everyone should know I was reclaiming my rightful place as Alpha of the East Clan.

Red hawks soared over head, performing their intricate circles over heat points, surfing the the hot air. Beside me, Fenris was quiet, though silent power rolled off him in waves. We were well paired, him and I. He was my only equal, my match in everything. On my left, Lycaon glared at the gates of the city, black fur standing out amidst the dry grass of the plain. An aura of death seemed to surround him, and the little shadows there were climbed to him like lovers. He truly seemed like Bàs.

Teras towered over me from behind, his humongous wolf form dwarfing my own. My personal bodyguard. He seemed to take his job to protect me even more seriously than Fenris. It didn't surprise me— Amarok had died because of one moment of inattention on his part. She and Fenrir had chosen to sacrifice themselves, but Teras still firmly believed she wouldn't be dead if he'd kept his eye on her.

What do we do now, Alpha Queen? the burly Beast asked, peering down at me.

I sent an evil grin down the link.

Now, Teras deary, we storm them, we storm the liar's office and we take back my rightful place.

The Shifting Shadows snarled in unison while the Great Warriors merely raised their hackles— they were terrifying enough as it was.

The sentinels spotted us in no time. They could watch us and warn the liar all they wanted, but they couldn't stop us. I was a female on a mission, and there was no room for failure. I would win back my place.

     From atop the walls, a sentinel called out to us.

"State your business, female! And drop those hackles. You should know your place."

     I growled at him and extended a tendril of mind to his, releasing some power.

You should know your place, sentinel, when talking to the Alpha of you Clan.

The sentinel laughed, "Alpha of my Clan, you? A sliver of a Wolf, and a female no less? The dead Alpha's brother is already in command."

     At least I knew who had stolen my prize.

     Instead of replying, I deleted the dam that held back all the power of my soul. It gushed out like a rushing river, spreading out for miles around me. I was powerful. So, so powerful. That male would regret taking my place. Even from here, I could see the sentinel trembling, before baring his neck to me. He'd submitted, but this Wolf was inconsequential in my quest.

Open the gates.

     He rushed to the lever and pushed it down. Immediately, the gates started creaking, slowly opening. Inside I could already make out the shape of Wolves submitting as they were knocked down by the aura that rolled off of me. It seemed like it was going to be easy.

     Beside me, Fenris threw his head back and howled.

Wolves of Red Hawk Pack, submit before your true Alpha, Alpha Cassandra, holder of Amarok's wild, Alpha Queen of the Great Warriors!

No! Do not! I am your true Alpha! interrupted an unknown voice.

A medium-sized male with pale skin and black hair stepped before them. His eyes were a dark amber color, very much like those of the Alpha I had first killed. He wasn't particularly broad, but still fairly muscled, and power swam around him. I had more of it though. So, so much more.


     It was a one-worded command. I did not take to those very well, not at all.

What about the magic word, Cheater Alpha?

     His nostrils flared and he growled.

"You are a female. Obey my command."

That is where you are mistaken, Cheater Alpha, because I am not a mere female. I am an Alpha, the rightful Alpha of this Clan, but I am also the Alpha Queen of Amaruk. I share my wild with the great Amarok herself, and you should do well to remember that.

"You are a liar. Shift."

Says the one who stole what belonged to me and claimed it as his, I raised my hackles menacingly and I heard Teras growl behind me. Now move out of the way.

"What would you do if I don't?"

     I shifted then, and felt Morrigan's power form a flowing blood red dress on my abundant curves.

"Now, Cheater Alpha, you are just being childish," I nodded behind me, "Not only do I have a pack of twenty or so vicious females at my back, but six very powerful Great Warriors too," I gestures towards the prostrate Wolves, some of which had started to rise and gather around me, "and let us not forget that currently at least half of who you call your Pack is at my command."

     He growled, fangs protruding from his upper lip, claws growing at the tip of his fingers.

"Or you could challenge me for the leadership of this Clan."

Did I tell you that I've long forgotten Yonathan (it's because a girl I dislike made a move on him and now has him wrapped around her finger), BUT that I've had two crushes since then (one was named Ivan and short-lived because when I DMed him he sent me to talk to his friend Borris and the other is the current one, Riley)
So last year, my best friend had a crush on Riley's best friend (who's name is Sean) and we (officially her) talked to Sean a bit over the summer. Now you gotta now this— Sean and Riley's group of friends are literally the guy version personality-wise of my friends and I. So everyone knows we talked to him. HOWEVER that is not all! We go back to school with my best friend. At lunch, I walk in to the cafeteria (I don't have to stand in line because I bring my own lunch) and BOOM! Riley and his friends stare at me. Same when we go the next morning with my friend during break.
So yeah... I'm in deep deep shit, and I can't even ask them to stop staring because I did that to them all last year, soo😂😂
- Lexie

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