Chapter 1

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Hello readers! Welcome to my first story, I do hope that you enjoy it. I want to make a few announcements before we begin. First, this story will take place about 9 months after the Tartaros Arc. In this story, FairyTail did not disband. Wendy and Lucy had nine months to train with their new powers together. I will be using many references from the anime as well as adding my own little twist to it.

Also, I want to mention that I am changing the ages of Lucy and Wendy for this story. Lucy will be 16 and Wendy is 14. Now onto the story!

~In Magnolia~

Lucy wakes up and rubs her eyes before getting out of bed. As she walks into the living room, a blue cat and a certain dragon slayer were rummaging through her fridge.

"LUCCYYYYY KICK" she screams as her foot connects with the side of Natsu's head. "What do you idiots think you're doing raiding my fridge and how did you even get in here?!" She asks now completely awake.

"Through the window Luce, duh" Natsu says rubbing his head like it's the most obvious thing in the world. This makes a tick mark appear on her head as her annoyance skyrockets. "That doesn't explain why you broke into my house Natsu." He smiles, "Team Natsu has a job and we are leaving in an hour!"

She begins to get excited at this news. 'I need to pay my rent, so this is perfect!' she thinks to herself. "Alright, sounds good to me. I have to pay my rent so I could use the money. Let me get ready and then we can go."

(Time skip to the train)

"Get me off this damn train" Natsu squeaks out between gags. Wendy, who is also green to the face nods her head in agreement. Lucy giggles at them before turning to Erza. "So, Erza can you explain what this mission is about? Erza and Gray share a look which confuses her and she can feel sweat begin to form on her head in nervousness.

Gray turned his gaze towards her and began to explain the mission. "Gramps got an urgent request from the Magic Council. Apparently a man by the name of Samael has been causing them a lot of trouble. From what they know, he is one of Zeref's devoted followers. He has been destroying villages all over Fiore looking for a dark object that was created by Zeref. It's called the Key of Oblivion. The only information the council has about this key is that it requires a celestial wizard in order to activate it. The council believes that once he has obtained this key, he will begin to attack celestial wizards in order to activate it's power. Our job is to stop Samael and obtain this key so the council can keep it safe."

Lucy nods understanding the severity of this mission. "This Samael guy must be powerful. Do we know if he is alone or working with a group?" Erza, who is now eating strawberry cake, answers. "The council believes that he is working alone, however we must prepare for any situation we may find ourselves in."

Nodding her head in acknowledgement before looking at the window, she kept thinking about the key they were supposed to find. 'Key of Oblivion... Why does that name sound so familiar to me' Lucy thought. She begins to think hard about the key until the train comes jerks to a halt out of nowhere. Passengers fly out of their seats at the sudden interruption while Lucy grab's onto Natsu and Erza grabs Wendy to keep them from flying as well.

Once everything has settled down, Wendy and Natsu recover from their terrible motion sickness. Then Gray uses his ice make magic to break through the side of the train and Team Natsu rushes out to see what happened. However, once outside they see one person leaning on the front of the train waiting for them. He was rather tall and looked to be around Erza's age. He wore a long black trench coat with the hood pulled up and his face wasn't visible.

"Hello FairyTail, I hope you don't mind, but I didn't want to wait for you to reach me. So I decided to come to you instead.... Mainly for you, Lucy Heartfilia~ ❤️" he cooes at her finally pulling down his hood. He had blood red eyes and spiky black hair. He was looking at her with hearts in his eyes.

"Umm.. WHAT?!" she screams while looking at the cloaked figure completely creeped out. Who the hell are you and how do you know me?"

He smirks at her "Well Lucy, my name is Samael, I believe you have heard of me. To answer your other question, I have been watching you for a very long time Lucy. I'm your biggest fan after all! Once I obtained the Key of Oblivion, I knew that it was fate and the only person who could activate it would be none other than you, my love."

Time seemed to stop for Team Natsu as they stare dumbfounded at Samael. "Why do I always get all the weirdos" she mumbles out while pinching her nose and trying to keep her cool.

"What do you mean you have been watching Lucy for a long time?" Wendy squeaks out while inching towards the blonde. Samael smirks again "I have been watching Lucy and studying her since she ran away from home. I know all about her adventures, her likes and dislikes, everything! I also look at all your photos in Sorcery Weekly!!"

Erza has finally had enough. "REQUIP" she chants and changes into her Heaven's Wheel armor. "I have had enough of this nonsense. We are here to retrieve the Key of Oblivion. Now hand it over."

Samael just ignores Erza. "I really need to get going now, so be a doll Lucy and come with me now." As he says this, Samael shoots a beam at her and hits her in the head with it before anybody could react. The spell put her in a trance and she is now walking towards Samael.

"You bastard, leave her alone!" Natsu shouts, rage filling him as he rushes towards Samael with Gray and Erza following him, casting their magic attacks. Wendy rushes to Lucy with Carla and they begin to pull her back trying to free Lucy from whatever spell Samael hit her with. "Lucy, you have to snap out of it" Wendy screams at her.

Natsu, Gray, and Erza are about to strike Samael when he suddenly disappears. "What the-" Natsu begins before he is cut off.

"Over here~" Samael sings from behind Wendy, Carla and Lucy. "We are gonna be leaving now if you don't mind." Samael takes out a black key that looks very similar to Lucy's gate keys. "Lucy, activate the key so we can go" he commands.

Still in a trance, she does as commanded and a yellow light zaps from her hands into the key as a black portal opens under them as they fall into the unknown. NO! WENDY, LUCY, CARLA!" the trio scream in unison starting to run to catch their friends. They were too late however, the portal closing before they could reach it. They fall to the ground staring in disbelief where the portal was a second before.

"They are gone" Natsu says in disbelief "LUCCCYYY" he screams while slamming his fists into the ground. "Wendy is gone, we failed." Erza barely whispers. Gray just stands there clenching his fists in anger. "We are gonna find them. We will save them and bring them home" an icy aura surrounds him as his anger rises.

Erza rises from the ground. "Yes, we will save our friends, but first we need to search the area in case they are nearby. Regroup here in an hour after the search. Then we will head back to the guild and have them help us." Gray, Natsu and Happy nod their heads and they split up to look for their friends.

~With Lucy and Wendy~

After the portal closed, Carla grabs Wendy's shirt and tries to fly as they fall through a long tunnel which Wendy assumes is part of the portal. She sees Samael holding Lucy who is starting to wake up from her trance.

"The hell are we?!" She screams while punching Samael's face and successfully wiggles her way out of his grip. Samael has a look of disappointment on his face before trying to grab her again.

Carla and Wendy fly over and kick him in the face and he begins to fall faster. "Lucy grab my hand!" Wendy screams. Lucy reaches out and takes her hand as they continue to fall until they see the end of the portal's tunnel. They shift their position mid-air and begin to fall at an accelerated speed to catch Samael who is reaching the end of the portal.

Samael sees them and smirks before shooting several beams at Wendy and Carla knocking them out and making Carla let go of Wendy. "WENDY, CARLA!" Lucy screams.

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