Chapter Fourteen

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Summer POV

I lay on the bed trying to drown out Ryan's desperate pleas for me to tell him what happened yesterday. I wish I could tell him what happened, but there would be no way he would believe me.

"Can you go get me a glass of ice water please?" I ask.

The clammy feeling of heat rising back into my body. It was diminishing quicker now, but yesterday was an entirely different story. My body got so hot I fainted out in the woods.

"Sure Summer," Ryan sighs in defeat as he left the room.

I slump on the bed looking towards the door. Ryan really wants to know the truth, but I know it would hurt him so bad. Imagine having your own mother sabotage your life. Having her hurt someone you love and care about.

"Hey Summer."

My eyes jump up to see Xavier and I sit up in the bed. He smiles at me before taking a sniff of the room. His eyes closed in remembrance and I wondered if I had farted earlier.

"Did you use your cream today?" Xavier asks me.

"It's back at home, why? Does it smell like sweat in here?" I ask.

Xavier chuckles and shakes his head. His eyes finally opening up to mine.

"No, it doesn't smell like that... . Anyway, is Ryan still here I need to talk to him about yesterday?" Xavier asks.

As I begin to shake my head a lightbulb goes off. Maybe I should tell him about my dreams! Maybe then I'll realize why I keep seeing him as a werewolf.

"He went downstairs to get me some water, but can you come in for a second. I think we need to talk," I tell him.

Xavier hesitated. My lips formed a pout and his demeanor fell as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

He took a seat at Ryan's desk though to keep some separation. I couldn't say if I was grateful for that or not, but as of right now that didn't matter.

"I wanted to tell you about these dreams that I've been having of you," I admit.

Xavier eyes widen and my heart began to shrink in size. I was so hoping he wasn't going to judge.

"I've been having dreams about you too," Xavier confesses.

My body relaxes and leaned against the wall in peace.

"Good, I wonder if they're as weird as mine because I see you as a werewolf in mine," I tell him.

Xavier frowns, "what's wrong with werewolves?"

"Nothing." I shrug. "They just don't exist and I was worried I was getting a bestiality fetish towards you or something. It is bad already that I'm attracted to you, like really attracted to you, but I'm no cheater and I love my fiancé. I love Ryan."

Xavier just nods at my little rant before catching my eye again.

"But if werewolves were real, what would you do?"

I raise an eyebrow at him. I just confessed my attraction to him and he cares more about the werewolves. Maybe this is why he's a werewolf in my dreams. Maybe he has a bestiality fetish.

"I don't know what I would do, probably freak out that I just saw a wolf turn into a human or a human turn into a wolf."

Xavier frowns even deeper and I realize the situation has turned the wrong way. I just needed insight is all, not to upset him.

"I'm going to go see what's keeping Ryan so long," I tell him.

Xavier stands up with me as we made our way out of the room. I heaved our a sigh as tears pricked my eyes. My whole life is turning chaotic and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm saying all the wrong words and doing all the wrong things.

A gasp leaves my mouth upon seeing him hugged up with another woman.

"Ryan," I squeak.

All of their eyes turns to me. Ryan frowns and walks up to me as I step away from him. I'm on the brink of my sanity and this is what he's doing in his free time.

"Summer, it's not what you think and it's not something to cry about," Ryan tries to console, but I couldn't hear a word.

I take a look at the girl who had a worried look on her face. I take a look at her attire and almost sink to my knees. She was wearing a Sleeping With Sirens band shirt.

Has a curse been placed on me?

"Summer," Ryan calls out to me.

"I want to go home," I spew out without second thought.

My mind began to cloud and I just wanted to lay in my bed without having to worry about the Voodoo Queens and their spells. I just wanted my kids to be safe and I want my life to go back to what it was weeks before this.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to intrude, but it was just a friendly hug," the girl speaks softly.

I can't think. My mind is blank. How do I respond? The front door opens and my mouth drops when I see my little sister Kenya walk in.

Her eyes catch mine as we both freeze.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"Lydia asked me to come to her hometown because of some... wait why am I answering your whorish ass." Kenya rolls her eyes.

I flinch away from her words as I turn to Ryan with one final plea. He nods and gives me a soft kiss on the forehead.

He guides me out of the house and I don't turn back to see anyone's faces. As we climb in the car, Ryan turns to me and I sigh.

"I don't know what's wrong with me baby, yesterday it finally took a physical toll on me rather than continuing its mental torment," I confess.

"I feel like I'm spiraling out of control in my head every time and I'm trying to assert myself in real life so I don't, but I keep doing the wrong things and seeing you with her then my sister... I feel like I just need to have our kids then just disappear," I sob.

Ryan places his hand in my stomach and I relax to his touch.

"Thank you for finally telling me because you don't have to deal with this alone... from now on I'll come over to my parents place and you remain calm at home. Become one with our children and maybe get back to your baby yoga," Ryan tells me.

A slight chuckle leaves my lips, even when I think everything is going wrong he knows the perfect words to say. I turn to Ryan and he places a kiss on top my lips.

"I love you," Ryan whispers.

"I love you too."

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