BEN ending

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One of the boys rushed to me, it was BEN...


I lost consciousness as I felt myself being lifted from the floor.
Once I woke up, I was in my bed. I felt a dead weight on my stomach and noticed BEN sleeping there. I smiled evilly and shouted:"WATER! WE ARE DROWNING" he jumped 6 feet high and stayed up, floating and looking around frenetically "WHERE?!" He realised the joke and looked down.
"You are lucky I love you, otherwise you would be dead" I laughed.
"Yeah, yeah. But say that again? You LOVE me?" I felt strangely teasing that day, probably because of Celine.
"Yes, in fact I do love you" He said as he floated towards me, he placed himself on top of me and neared his face until our noses touched. I blushed deeply and I understood  that I can't  compete in teasing with BEN. "Why are you blushing? Embarrassed?" I laughed nervously and pushed him away from me. He winked and floated out of the room, trespassing the door.
"Ugh." I simply said as I felt my hot checks slowly returning normal.
I got up and slowly went into the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror.
"I look like shit....yay" I walked back in the bedroom and opened my drawer.
I took out some good clothes and put them on. I noticed that  my injury was fully healed. "That was fast swoop!".
I went downstairs to look for BEN and tell him my feelings...yes, I realized late that I had feeling for that idiot of an elf.
I searched far and wide but didn't  find him, until I decided to watch some TV.
"Hello (y/n), what are ya watchin'?" Said Toby with a weird cowboy accent
"Uuuh nothing, wanna see something?" He nodded and flopped on the couch.
"What about thirteen reasons why?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "N-no"
"Then....uh...what about some anime?" "N-no, there is K-Kagekao *tic* for t-that" I nodded and kept searching until an and came out of the TV and dragged me in.
"Thank for keeping her occupied Toby" yelled BEN and Toby gave him a nod and a thumbs up.
"Where did you drag me in?!" I looked around  and noticed the U.A Academy.
"M-m-m....MY HERO ACADEMIA OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU" He took my hand. "I know you do, I am too beautiful after all" I face palmed and looked at Midoriya entering with Ochaco.
BEN fake coughed and I turned to him. As i turned he kissed my cheek. "I'm happy you are ok, please don't  leave me ok?" I smiled and nodded.
"Ok, elf on the shelf" he twitched and I laughed.
"Idiot" I said as he brought me out of the anime with a last kiss.
"You know you are the idiot here" he said and I agreed with a nod and a chuckle.


Gaaaaaaah I am tired of my life I swear. Sorry for not updating and yes, the endings will be as shitty as this....sorry.

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