Part 68

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"Good morning, Genevieve," He was standing with the car door open.

"Good morning, Charlie," I sighed as I got in.

"Are you okay? You look a little--"

"I'm fine, Charlie, really. Please, just...let it go."

He nodded and shut the door and walked over to the drivers' side and got in.

"Was it something he did? Did he call and say something stupid?"

I looked up into the rearview mirror and his eyes were trained to mine.

"No, wrong brother," I sighed again and leaned my elbow against the door and looked out the window as we drove through downtown.

"What did Preston do this time?"

"He offered me a job, a really good job. I should take the job if I know what's good for me."

I heard him huff, "Can I give you my opinion?"

I looked back to the rearview mirror and his eyes were on mine again, "Yes."

He looked back down to the road, "I wouldn't trust it. He's always got ulterior motives, Genevieve. He never does a good deed without wanting it repaid, sometimes with interest."

"I mean, I already know he wants me away from Dominic and with him and when I told him last night that I thought we should both take some time to think things over, he blurted out that he would give me a job as some type of superior. That's all I want, Charlie. I want to make a name for myself, and I know I've only been with Dominics' branch for a few weeks but if Preston can make me a higher-up faster then... why wouldn't I take it? Why wouldn't I want to start my life faster?"

"Because you love Dominic and you're running away from him because you're afraid he doesn't love you back, but I've already told you he does, Genev--"

"But your words aren't absolute! He hasn't told you and you're just making assumptions! Assumptions that I would be stupid to stay for. Besides, I told Preston to give me 'til the end of the week to decide."

I saw his face harden from the mirror, but I didn't care. I couldn't go off of just his word.

"Are you going to tell him?"

"No. He told me he'd be a 'free' man by the end of the week so I'm either waiting for him to leave her or tell me his feelings."

"And you're not even going to tell him there's a time limit?"

"I don't want him to say something that he's going to regret just to keep me around on the side, Charlie. At some point, I have to start looking out for myself. All of this back and forth is really taking its toll on me."

The car stopped and he got out and opened my door and helped me out. I saw the look on his face and immediately knew what it meant, "You better not tell him, Charlie. I mean it. Sorry to be so harsh with you, but this is really none of your business to meddle in."

"Yes, Ms. Carlyle."

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk into the building.


"Hey, haven't seen you around in a while," I said as Jeremy got on.

His eye shifted from my face down my body and then back up, "Yeah, sorry. I've been a little busy."

Busy ignoring me? Busy avoiding me? I mean, I didn't have fun on our date and I definitely didn't want to see if it was just a fluke, but the last thing I remembered he was head over heels for me, and now he's a 'little busy'? I thought back to the punishment I got for going to lunch with him...

Had Dominic said something to Jeremy? Maybe told him to stay away from me?

"How was your weekend," I tried gently.

He turned to face me, "Look, Gen, I think it's better if we don't talk anymore."

"Um, okay. Can I ask why?"

He snorted, "I think we both know why, Gen."

I scoffed, "I can assure you, I have no idea what you're talking about."

He looked at me then, "He doesn't want me talking to you, okay? And I'm sure as hell not going against him. That's a death sentence."

Was he seriously talking about Dominic? Had he threatened Jeremy? Had he basically outed us?

"Who, Jeremy?"

Just then the elevator stopped on the tenth floor with Dominic and Jasmine on the other side of the doors. Dominics' eyes went from my eyes to my body, and then to Jeremy where he glared at him before stepping in and turning around.

So it was true. Dominic threatened Jeremy. I wonder what he told him specifically.

I cleared my throat, "Good morning, Mr. Blackstone, Jasmine."

He mumbled a 'good morning' but Jasmine didn't say anything. This was very unlike her. Usually, she liked to take a jab at me any chance she got, but today she hadn't even looked at me.

"Are you okay, Jasmine," I asked quietly.

"Don't even," she said.

"Um, okay?"

She huffed, "How dare you even talk to me. I don't like you, I don't care for you, and I wish you were dea--"

"Jasmine," Dominic growled.

She turned to him, "No, you know what? I'm done pretending like I don't know you're still sleeping with her! I'm done pretending like I'm okay with it Dominic! I want her gone!"

My eyes widened, "What? I'm not sl--"

Her eyes turned to me, "Stop lying!"

The back of her hand connected with my cheek and the shock and force of it sent me back against the wall. I cradled my cheek and watched as Dominic pushed her against the door.

"You are going to regret that," he growled in her face.

Her eyes were still trained to me, "She's nothing but a bitch! She'll never be worthy of you, Domi--"

"Shut up, Jasmine!"

"No! She's a fucking whore and I want her gone!"

"--Shut. Your. Fucking. Mouth." He grabbed her by the throat and I could see her face turning red.

I pushed off the wall and grabbed his arm, "Stop, Dominic! This is what she wants!"

He took a step back and dropped his hands, just as the doors opened to Jeremys' floor.

She was smirking and her neck was an angry shade of red, "Checkmate."

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