Part 75

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*Dominic continued*

"Brothers," I put an arm around both of their shoulders as they made their way into the front door.

"It's been a minute," Elijah nodded solemnly.

"That is has, Elij," I nodded back and turned my attention to the youngest of the Blackstone siblings.

"Nate," I greeted him cautiously. The last time I had seen him we left things rocky and I was hoping he wasn't holding any grudges.

"Dom," he slightly smiled. Relief filled me temporarily.

"It's so good to see you all in one place again. Let's go sit in the living room and I'll have Edith bring us some coffee," I said as I turned around and gestured for them to follow.

"So, Katherine told us a little bit, but we need to know the full story. Start from the beginning," Elijah said as we sat down on the various couches that were more for looks rather than usability.

I spent the next hour and a half telling them all about my relationship with Genevieve, from the moment she walked into my office to last night. They asked questions and then listened intently, nodding every once in a while.

"You think Preston would do this," Elijah asked after a while.

I sighed, "I, honestly, have no idea. I couldn't see him doing this, but I have to keep my options open. Everyone is a suspect to me."

"I feel like Jasmine would be the one with the biggest motive," Nathaniel stated quietly.

"Maybe, they're working together?"

I looked at Katherine as she stared at me thoughtfully.

"Why would they work together to kidnap Genevieve," Elijah asked with his elbows resting on his knees and his forefingers holding up his chin.

Katherine looked to him now, "Because Preston wants her and Jasmine wants Dominic. He said he didn't know the voice on the phone so they could've hired or something to break in and wait until she got home to take her."

Elijah sat up and arched an eyebrow, "That would explain why they also said that they could get from the 'friend' what they could get from Dom. The 'friend' obviously has to have a lot of money like Dom if they won't even negotiate a ransom."

Katherine nodded, "And Preston has just as much as Dom and Jasmine has her dads money."

She turned to me then, "It has to be one of them, if not both."

I was listening to them bounce ideas back and forth off of each other and I felt a sense of familiarity.

"Okay, so now what," I heard Nathaniel ask from beside Elijah.

Elijah furrowed his brows, "Now we trace cell phones, bank accounts, rental properties, anything we can to find Genevieve. Probably hire more PIs to get in on this."

Katherine was nodding, "We can't wait for the police to get around to it. They seemed hesitant to even search through anything. It's almost as if..."

"They were paid off?" Elijah and Katherine had a way of knowing what the other was thinking before it was said.

It was some kind of bond, a look they shared. I was suddenly grateful she called them here. I didn't think I'd be able to work this fast to figure everything out like they were.

I hadn't realized I had my head in my hands until I felt a small hand on my back, "This is going to work, Dom," Katherine murmured.

"We'll find her, brother," Elijah stated confidently.

I wish I felt that right now: confident. I was usually so confident, so sure of myself, so cocky and in control, but this...

This was out of my control. I felt powerless. I was the muscle of the group, Katherine and Elijah were the brains and Nathaniel? Well, he was support. Useless to the search, but needed, nonetheless.

I took a deep breath before standing, "So, what's our first move?"

They all stood up with Elijah speaking first, "I'll get on the phone, make a few calls, and see if I can start the tracing process."

I nodded, "Spare no thought to the expense. I will pay whatever amount to get her back, Eli. You employ whomever you deem useful and necessary, you got that?"

He nodded before stepping out.

"I could call Preston and see what he's doing," Katherine asked.

"Do you think that's a good idea? You don't think it'll tip him off," Nathaniel asked quietly.

I looked from him to Katherine, "Nate's right. Don't call him just yet. He might get suspicious. If he finds out all of you are here then our cover is blown and we won't have the element of surprise."

She nodded, "I'll go see if Elijah has anything for me to do."

It left Nathaniel and me alone. He had sat back down and was now looking out the window.

"You love her," he asked quietly.

"I do," I stated.

"You would do anything for her? Even question your own brother?"

"I would kill him for her," I said, finally, with some confidence.

If Preston had taken Genevieve, I would seek the longest amount possible for his sentence. I wouldn't stop until he was an old man in prison.

Nathaniel gasped at my statement and looked back at me, "Really?"

I nodded, "Without a doubt. He's my brother and I love him, but she's..."

I shook my head, "I love her, Nathaniel. I will do anything to get her back."

He let out a ragged breath. He had always been the 'baby' of us. The sensitive one, the non-confrontational one of us, the pacifist.

I loved him, but some times I wondered if he was actually a Blackstone or not.


"I have my guys tracing Preston and Jasmines' credit cards and bank accounts," Elijah stated after he found me in the kitchen.

I nodded, looking down at the cold coffee in my cup.

"I told Katherine to have some people comb through all of Preston and Jasmines' rental properties as well. I also have a team of people going through Genevieve's apartment with a fine-toothed comb. If there's even so much as a skin cell from these fuckers, we'll find it."

I looked up, suddenly remembering, "Have them look everywhere in the kitchen. Maybe even under the refrigerator. I think she threw a vase from the living room to the front door and I'm hoping maybe..."

"That it nicked one of them and a piece slid under something," he finished my sentence.

I nodded, "Thank you, Elij. You have no idea what this means."

He sat on the stool next to mine, "If someone took the person I loved I would hope you guys would work this hard to find her for me."

"You know we would."

He smiled, "And that's why we're doing this for you because we know that you would do it for us."

I nodded slightly as I looked back down at my coffee.

I still hadn't gotten a call from lieutenant Taylor today and it was already noon. If they were paid off to hinder the investigation then, of course, he wouldn't have anything to say to me. Little does he know that the Blackstones are a fierce clan and we don't give up on one of our own, and that included Genevieve.

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