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stephany's pov

during the car ride to the restaurant it was fairly quiet. neither me nor tobi had anything to say. as a result we kinda just sat there in silence enjoying each other's company

it was weirdly comforting to be in the car with tobi. he kinda gave off this protective aura of i'm not gonna let anyone hurt you.

finally i decided to be the one to break the silence "so what does sdmn stand for?"

"what do you mean?" tobi asks taking his eyes off the road for only a second to look at me

"it's on a lot of the clothes you wear and it was on the kit you and the guys were wearing earlier. so, what does it mean?"

"oh" tobi says exaggerating the o sound.

he waits a second.

begins to laugh.

then finishes his statement with a smile still on his face "it means sidemen"

i smile "that makes sense"

when we finally make it to the restaurant i can see josh getting out of his car with a kinda tall girl. she's got blonde hair and is wearing a super cute plaid skirt with a plain white turtleneck tucked into the skirt.

"who's that?" i ask with my gaze towards the girl

"oh that's freya josh's girlfriend. she's really nice you guys will be great friends."

tobi and i both get out the car and walk over towards freya and josh. i say hello to josh and i introduce myself to freya who responds with a quick "it's nice to meet you babes."

we all walk inside the restaurant and we quickly spot our friends in the back with a big table for us.

as i walk towards them i see the sidemen and a tan girl with dyed hair sitting next to simon (who i assume is his girlfriend), chip and both of the cals.

i quickly greet the people i already know and meet talia, the girl who was sitting next to simon.

i take a seat next to tobi who's on my right and vik who's on my left. "so stephany how'd you meet are good friend tobi here?" jj asks with a smile on his face while flipping through the menu.

"oh, uh, well see i kinda had a bad day and was sitting on a bench crying and that's when tobi came and to help make me feel better took me to a café." i say looking up at jj even though his eyes are still glued to the menu

"that's the most tobi thing tobi could have possibly done." simon says with a laugh

"no wonder people call you the nicest sideman!" he continues

i look over at tobi who i can feel getting warm next to me

"stop, stop you flatter me." tobi says with a laugh

then the waiter comes by and takes our orders. afterward she begins to collect the menus and as tobi is handing me his our hands collide.

only a split second later we both drawback our hands


i give our menus to the waiter

and we all continue our conversations

this time calfreezy is the one to start a conversation with me.

"so stephany what do you do?"

"oh nothing too interesting i'm just a cashier." i respond

"really that's it you look like the artsy type sure you aren't an artist?" these words came from chip who hadn't said a word to me since i'd arrived

"no way i'm no good at art" i laugh

we all eat, laugh, and talk some of the guys even having a few drinks not including tobi of course since he doesn't drink

soon it's time for everyone to go

one by one all the boys and talia exit the restaurant leaving only tobi and i

we sit there in silence for a while before tobi begins to talk

"you know you could always sleep over at my place tonight since it's so late." he offers

i mean there's no harm in staying...

plus i would hate to wake evie...

"alright i'll take you up on that offer!" i say with a smile

and just like that we exited the restaurant and headed towards the car


hey y'all

hope you enjoyed this part as always i enjoyed writing it


i appreciate all the support and in going to continue to finish writing this story as long as i enjoy it

once again thanks for the support
love y'all❣️

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