Chapter 1

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Flash Back

Fuli looked over at the Guard, things are just like the used to be, apart from Ono but he's still got his personality oh and Anga, she joined as well." she thought and smiled,  Fuli the looked at Kion. Fuli looked towards the ground. "Oh Kion...... I wish it was just how it used to be. You were so kind, gentle and friendly and now..... Your not even in control anymore. I see it in your eyes." Fuli looked looked at Kion once more. Kion was always good at hiding his emotions. Even with his scar and the pain, although it was a bit more obvious when Kion was in pain. He'd bring a paw up to his eye and grunt in pain. 

Kion was my first friend. He helped me when I lost my parents, well not entirely lost then, but they left me, it's what cheetahs do. Even though Cheetahs are supposed to be alone, I enjoy my friends company. They help me feel better, especially Kion because he's been by my side since forever.

End of FlashBack

Fuli opened her eyes. It was morning. She stretched out and remembered. "The Patrol!"  Fuli ran all the way to the waterfall. The rest of the Night Pride was there (Kion's Night Pride) "Fuli!" Kion said smiling, seeing his Cheetah friend arrive. "About time you came!" Bunga said, walking up to Fuli and jabbing at her soft fur. "You're supposed to be the fastest! You're the last one here!" Bunga told Fuli. Fuli sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm not the fastest anymore. Well, not in the Pridelands anyways." Ono flew down from Beshte's back and landed in front of Fuli. "Technically you still are." Ono said. "Huh? But we're not in the Pridelands!" Bunga said, tilting his head in confusion. This time Kion rolled his eyes. "Fuli won her round, she's still basically the fastest. Now anyways let's start patrol." Kion started walking. The rest of Kion's Night Pride followed him.

As they were walking, they noticed four brown lions coming their way. "Kion!" one of the lion's came up. She was obviously a female. and had a blue line across her forehead. The lion bounced up to Kion and nuzzled her head against his. Fuli tried not to look, she focused her glance at the rest of the lions or in this case the Night Pride (Rani's), the rest of the Night Pride. "Hello, Rani." Kion said, moving back from Rani. Rani noticed this and frowned, then realised why, they were in front of their friends. Kion was a bit shy of their relationship, even though everyone knew about it. He wasn't used to all the lovey-dovey stuff.

"How did the Night go?" Kion asked Rani. Like Rani, Kion also had a line of blue across his forehead. "It went really well, there was nothing!" She happily exclaimed. "Yeah! But she made us stay on our guard the entire night! Like no breaks or anything! Not that we usually have them anyways." A lion said. This lion was Rani's younger brother Baliyo. Kion rolled his eyes yet again, he turned to face Rani. "Rani, you can't be so hard on them, I think they need a bit of a break," Kion told her. Rani rolled her own eyes. "Really? How would you know?" She asked him, with a slight smirk on her lips. Kion looked away for a bit, Fuli . could tell he clearly did not like Rani teasing him. She stepped up "Because he was a leader, for a long time, and was a great one." She smiled at Kion. Kion looked at her and smiled back. Rani laughed and smiled. "Yeah, I know! I've seen him in action. He really is a great leader." Kion backed up a bit. He looked a bit uncomfortable. Kion didn't really like praise, so he gave all the credit to his teammates, even if he did most of the work. Fuli saw this and sighed. She tried to make things better but she had just made it worse.

"Kion! Kion!!" Came a voice. It was a snowy white owl. "Ullu!" Kion exclaimed. Ullu landed in front of Kion. "On the left side of the Kingdom, there is a bunch of animals trying to get in". Ullu pointed her feathers to the left side of the Kingdom. "Night Pride!" Kion exclaimed and started to sprint across the left side of the Kingdom with the rest of his team following him. Rani sighed with joy. "He really is amazing isn't he?" She said watching Kion running to protect the Kingdom. "He really is a catch." Nirmala said walking to Rani. Rani blushed and smiled again.

I hope you like this chapter! Please keep reading! Thanks for reading it by the way! It means so much to me! Anyways I'll try to update soon so please enjoy!


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