Chapter 19

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Chloe's POV

I was at my house with Paige, the cops,my mom, Mrs. Hyland and my sister. Paige and where I were in Clara's room packing her stuff.

Hey Chloe? Clara tapped my leg

Yeah baby girl?

Will you visit me and grandma and grandpas?

Of course I will. I love you Clara and you know that.

Yeah I know but I'm scared Chloe. She said hugging me

Its ok Clara. Even though we wont have mom or dad we will be with people who care about us. I may not be there all the time but you know if you need me call mr cause ill be there with you.

I love you. She said hugging me

Alright why don't you put your toys in these boxes because its your last one and I'm going to finish my last box in my room okay?


Lets go Paige. I said

You okay Chloe? Paige asked

Yeah Im just going to miss Clara a lot. She my little sister and I'm her big sister and I wanna be there when she needs me. I want to stay her because you Zack, Keith and dance.

I know how you feel.

Sometimes I wonder if I was a mistake to them or something i don't know.

Don't say that.

Its true. I said taping my last box together.

Chloe I'm done. Clara said walking into the room with her little bag.

Well grandma and grandpa are on there way.

-10 min later-

When we were done we put my stuff in Mrs.Kelly's car.I was about to go inside my grandparents pulled up.

Grandma! Grandpa! I said running up to them give each of them a hug.

He sweetie. My grandpa said

All of us started to pack Clara's stuff in the car.

-5 min later-

Well thats it. I said

Clara I'm going to miss you. Like I said call me if you need anything ok. I love you. I hugged and kissed her cheek.

I going to miss you too Chloe. I love you big sis.



After they left I turned around to see everyone there and the cops locking the door.

Anything you want to say to you parents Chloe.


Mom I want you to know you deserve this. You always blame things on me when I do nothing.You shouldn't treat a kid like this.

Dad I want to let you know the same thing. You rude and mean and you always laugh and me like I'm a joke.

Hope you both like prison.

Can I go now? I said


I sat in the car silent. This is it my parents are in jail for what they did. I look at my wrist and say all my cuts. I looked at each one and thought " because of my parents". Im going to be fine.

Im going to be fine...


Guys so I have a plan for the next chapter where Ashley talks to Chloe and stuff. Plus I think thats the last chapter then I'm going to start the sequel. So yea.

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