Chapter 9

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Rachel passed Mike on the way to the Kitchen. She went into the refrigerator and grabbed a six pack of corona and brought it into the living room. Mike had already set the game up so they were good to go. Rachel collapsed on the couch and popped open a bottle of beer. Mike finally turned to look at her and said "Rachel I know this is supposed to be our down time but how long do you plan to keep doing this charade?" She just sighed in response. He persisted though, "I mean seriously Rach we are getting closer to graduation and your still locked up and away. It is time to be yourself and let me be by your side. Please Rach do it for yourself if not me. Your drowning and I can't stand it." Rachel whispered" I'm afraid that they aren't ready for it. As much as I would like to break free, I just don't want that type of publicity." Mike was going to speak again but she cut him off. "But your right it it time to stop hiding. We'll take tomorrow off of school and go from there. Now can we play the game. I'm ready to kick your ass." Mike laughed in return and said "In your sweet dreams Rach. If I beat you then you owe me a hundred bucks and some new shoes." Rachel rolled her eyes. "We'll see Mikey boy. Let the games begin." She swallowed down her beer and pressed play. They played all night into the morning until finally there was a victor. It came out to be Mike but she wasn't that upset about it. They finally split off to their rooms. While Rachel stay awake in bed she tried to calm her racing heart. Tomorrow would be the beginning of a new leaf.


Brittany and Santana lay panting in bed after a nice round of lovemaking. Both girls were thinking about a certain Jew. Santana had at first found Rachel to be annoying as well selfish. She only seemed to care about herself and was always putting others down. Then the more time she spent around the Jew she realized that the girl always helping and being their shoulder to cry on. It didn't help that Rachel was hot even though she was always dressing like a dead grandmother on her way to bingo. Don't even get her started on those legs. The thing though was that she was a cheerio and Rachel was at the bottom of the social latter not to mention she is with Britt. Although she does think that that may change now that she and Britt are on the same page now. They have to start somewhere.

Brittany on the other hand already knows that Rachel will be theirs but they have to figure out what is going. Like that car she had and the fact that Mike seems to have history with Rachie. Not to mention Brittany knows Rachel isn't entirely herself or she is locking a part of her away when it come to others. She had caught Rachie on multiple occasions with a balled fist or tight jaw when she thought no one was looking. Dave has transferred last year the day after San and her came out. That next day Rachel had missed school and didn't come back for a couple of days. When she did she had a healing bruise on her knuckles. Brittany wasn't slow at all and she knew that Rachel isn't who she makes herself out to be, but the question is why? Rachie is hot and kind. Brittany can also see the power simmering under the surface. Power that Britt is attracted to. In the meantime they'll just have to try and make up for their mistakes and hope for the best.

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