A Good Place to Start

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"13 times! Can you believe it!? I passed out 13 times since the start of the cavalry battle. The last 6 were dehydration. I needed the neighbors to watch over me and give me water when you got frozen in that glacier!" Inko exclaimed, sharing her story.

The two Midoriya's sat at the dinner table the night of the Sports Festival.  They were eating their dinner and chatting about the excitement of the day. After they mopped up the tears flooding the apartment of course. 

"Hahaha! You've got me beat in that category Mom. I might be a crier too, but that takes the cake."

"I was so scared yet so proud at the same time. I couldn't help it. When that quirk of yours showed up I was so happy, yet terrified of the toll it took on your body. But, for the most part you finally reigned it in. The moment you started to use it and not break anything was the 8th time I passed out. Oh honey you were amazing!"

Midoriya looked down at his food in embarrassment from all the praise. Something he definitely wasn't use to getting in his life. He looked back up when he felt his mom take his hand from across the table, a more sad expression on her face.

"Izuku…I know I already said this, but I fully support you. I already knew you had the heart of a hero, but that new quirk of yours scared me."

 She rubbed her thumb across his new scars 

"It still does, but after today...when I saw you up on screen, I didn't just see my son Izuku. I saw My Son Izuku: The Future Pro Hero!"

Inko's lip started to quiver, tears brimming in her eyes. Her voice becoming shaky. Izuku leaned forward in concern, about to ask her what was wrong, but she continued before he could.

"And again, I know I've said this before but I can't help but feel guilty for what I said to you all that time ago. I know you might not want to speak about it but, please just know now that I fully support you and will help you in any way I can to make sure your dream is reality."

Izuku thought back to what All Might said about the past.  He can't just... forget it. It needs to be acknowledged so it can continue to help form who they are. 

' This is a good beginning for that. If anyone deserves to have their past settled, it's Mom. I can't have her living with this guilt, and I can't live with sadness around that memory. Besides...this has been a long time coming.'

Midoriya put his free hand on top of hers.

"M-Mom...I won't lie to you and say that i-it didn't hurt back then, b-but you were doing the best you could. Any mother who found out their child was quirkless in this world would have it a million times tougher than others, a-and, in a way, I-I should actually thank you for what you said."

Inko put on a confused look, Midoriya took this as a sign to continue and explain.

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