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Okay, let's get this over with.

For those who have ignored the comments posted in the past for various reasons, this is a rough draft. I repeat; ROUGH DRAFT.

These chapters were posted minutes after they were written. And since I was doing my senior year in college, I had not the time to focus on revisions when they were done. That was about two years ago, revisions have since been made.

So if you point at a major grammatical mistake, I can guarentee you that I already fixed it. I've checked the current manuscript too many times to not be certain of this. So please, please, please, stop. Just stop. 

If you want to edit the work, contact me first, and we'll talk. Until then, just let me know if there is a major plot hole. 

And if you're gonna go out of your way to edit the work, show some friggin manners. Seriously, it's not hard, and you come off as an uncultured oaf when you people do that. A little effort goes a long way, try it. If you don't and you go troll, I'm deleting your comment. No if's, and's or but's, mind your manners or move on, those are you're two choices. 

I have a master's thesis to write, a job to do to pay for grad school, and over a dozen short stories in the works to deal with trolls. I have a life, you might want to try it. Or not, I really don't care anymore. 

Now, most of the users on this site have gotten to this point, and thought, "What is wrong with this guy? Why is he being like this?" If you've thought this, then you're not who I'm writing to, and I apologize if you thought that. If you were thinking, "He's being a real jerk!", then either you haven't had the 'pleasure' of being trolled, or you are a troll. If you're the former, trust me, this is something you'll think too. If you're the latter, then re-read the beginning of this post and then leave.

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