Ayano x Yakuza

762 7 5

Title: I Love You, Please Don't Go
Warning: None
Requested by: lina200645

I know Yakuza isn't his real name, but let's just roll with it please?

"You want to meet me?" Ayano asked, in a shaky voice.

"Yes, I have a few stuff to discuss with you?" She heard his deep voice from the other line of the burner phone.

"Alright then, I'll see you in 30 minutes..."

"I'll see you in ten minutes, Ayano."

"Oh, okay."

He hung up on Ayano and Ayano sighed,
"For some reason he makes me nervous when he calls me."

She got ready and went to Yakuza's mansion.


"I want you to be my date to a huge ball at a very rich man's mansion," He said, while sitting in the chair, legs on the dinning table.

"Y-You want me!?" Ayano said shockingly, "But, why?"

He gave her a stern look, "Because I said so. Now, will you join or not?"

"U-um, do I have time to think?" She asked playing with her fingers like the way she did when Senpai was around.

"Yes," Yakuza said getting up from his seat and walking towards Ayano, "10 seconds seems enough, right?"

"U-um, not really.." Ayano sighed softly.

"Oh, well it's enough for me, 1."

"What is the benefit of me even going!?


"Maybe I can steal something there for Senpai..."


"I mean it wouldn't be so bad to go with him..."


'Maybe we would end up dance together..."


"I mean it probably wouldn't be so bad...."

"Have you decided?" Yakuza asked.

"Wait what!? I thought I had 10 seconds!" Ayano exclaimed.

"Yeah, I decided that was too long. Anyways, yes or no?"

"I mean, I guess yes..." Ayano muttered.

"Great, I shall see you here tomorrow at 7:00 p.m sharp," Yakuza said, walking out of the dinning room.

What did I get myself into?

The Next Day At 6:00 p.m

I was getting ready for the party when I realized, would Senpai be okay if I am not stalking him?

"Ugh, if something happens to Senpai when I am gone, Yazuka is dead,"

I wore a long black spaghetti stripped dress, that reached to my knees and black flats.

The dress was kinda of tight on my body, and made me uncomfortable, but it was the only dress I have, weirdly enough.

It was already 6:30 and I wanted to eat, "I want to eat. Should I?"

Before I could reach for the cookies on the shelf, someone knocked on the door.

I sighed and opened the door, it was a man wearing a black suit with a top hat?

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